

Eleanor Selfridge-Field

Consulting Professor, Music and Symbolic Systems

esfield (at)



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Musical Informatics

Music Query and Analysis

Selected Classroom Talks (coming soon)

Musical Data Resources


MuseData (encoded scores for viewing and analysis of c. 1,000 classical works, mainly orchestral)

Themefinder (fuzzy search of 100,000 musical incipits: folk, classical, Renaisssance)

KernScores (encoded scores for analysis and visualization f c. 1,000 classical works, mainly keyboard)




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Music and Cultural History

Song and Season: Science, Culture, and Theatrical Time in Early Modern Venice. 

Stanford University Press, 2007. ISBN-13: 9780804757652. 

Information and orders:

A New Chronology of Venetian Opera and Related Genres (1660-1760). 

Stanford University press, 2007. ISBN-13: 9780804744379.

Information and orders:   

Modern Language Association 2008 Distinguished Bibliography Award

The Music of Benedetto and Alessandro Marcello: A Thematic Catalogue with Commentary on the Composers, Works, and Sources. 

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990. ISBN 13-978-0193161269. 

For copies, please contact the author.

Pallade Veneta: Writings on Music in Venetian Society, 1650-1750.

Venice: Fondazione Levi, 1985. 417 pp. + xxxix. 

Enquires and orders may be directed to the Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi, S. Marco 2893, I-30124 Venezia, Italia (Italy),

Venetian Instrumental Music from Gabrieli to Vivaldi. 

Oxford: Basil Blackwell, and New York: Praeger Publishers Inc., 1975. Rev. as:

  • La musica strumentale da Gabrieli a Vivaldi, 2nd. ed. of above, tr. Franco Salvatorelli. Rome: ERI, 1980. With recording.

  • Venetian Instrumental Music from Gabrieli to Vivaldi, 3rd edn. Mineola NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1994. ISBN 9780486281513. Available from multiple vendors including


Music Technology, Theory, and Cognition

Tonal Theory for the Digital Age (Computing in Musicology, 15). Stanford, CA: CCARH,  2008. 

Contents:      ISBN-13: 978-0-936943-17-6

Available from as well as online bookstores and library distributors.  

Order form:

Are computer applications changing our understanding of tonal music theory? This collection looks at that question from diverse perspectives situated in several disciplines. 

Music Analysis East and West (Computing in Musicology, 14). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2006. 



How do theories of musical structure and organization for music produced outside Western Europe and North America relate to those inside? What are the implications for computer-based applications? These questions are examined here.

Music Query: Methods, Models, and User Studies (Computing in Musicology, 13). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2004.  

Contents:        ISBN 0-262-58270-8


As musical data increases in quantity and as methods for its delivery multiple, it is essential that we devise methods for finding what we want. In this boo, such questions are interleaved with user studies suggesting that human and machine methods of query do not closely correspond. 

The Virtual Score: Representation, Retrieval, Restoration  (Computing in Musicology 12).  Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2001.



For centuries the only way to view a notated musical work was to have access to a manuscript or printed edition. The process of photographing, editing, archiving, and analyzing notated music has evolved so dramatically since the 1980s that new discoveries about many early sources, including the digital recovery of "lost" music, are emerging together with new tools for making such discoveries.

Musical Similarity: Concepts, Procedures, and Applications (Computing in Musicology 11) . Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1998.



When programmers try to search for specific works or the melodies that define them, they quickly find that procedures developed for text do not work. Here we explore the many ways in which different musical communities view "similarity" across a range of different kinds of music and the alternative approaches to search that are currently under development. 

Beyond MIDI : The Handbook of Musical Codes. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1997.  

Updates viewable at


This work surveys 39 methods for representing "music" as data appropriate for applications in notation, analysis, and sound. Its availability over the past decade seems to have accelerated the search of interchange formats and encouraged efforts to make single datasets available for multiple kinds of applications. Includes descriptions of Music V, DARMS, Humdrum Kern format, MuseData, SCORE, Unicode "neumes" characters, Plaine & Easie Code, Essen Associative Code, and many MIDI extensions. 


Last updated: 4 December 2008