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in Music and Cultural
Eleanor Selfridge-Field esfield(at)stanford.edu
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Above: guitar by Matteo Sellas, Venice, 1638. Shrine to Music Museum, Vermillion, SD | Books:
The Calendar of Venetian Opera: Culture and Chronology (1660-1760). c. 880 pp. 2 vols. Forthcoming from Stanford University Press. The Music of Benedetto and Alessandro Marcello: A Thematic Catalogue with Commentary on the Composers, Works, and Sources. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990. 532 pp. Pallade Veneta: Writings on Music in Venetian Society, 1650-1750. Venice: Fondazione Levi, 1985. 417 pp. + xxxix. Venetian Instrumental Music from Gabrieli to Vivaldi. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, and New York: Praeger Publishers Inc., 1975. 317 pp. Rev. as:
Selected Talks and Articles: Measure for Measure: The Bells of St. Mark and the Performance of Venetian Opera, forthcoming. "Changing Perspectives of the Venetian Oratorio," forthcoming. "Zarlino and Calendar Reform," forthcoming. "Ritual, Liturgy, and the Venetian Theatrical Calendar" (talk, Turku, Finland, 2001; book: Ritual, Liturgy, and Early Music Theater, ed. Kristin Rygg et al., in press). "The War of the Spanish Succession: Consequences for Music in Venice," Austria 996-1996: Music in a Changing Society, ed. Walter Kreyszig, I (talk, 1996; book: Vienna: Wilhelm Braumüller Universitäts-Verlagsbuch-handlung, in press). "Messalina: Context and Content" in the facs. edn. Francesco Maria Picciol—Carlo Pallavicino, Messalina (Drammaturgia musicale veneta, viii), Milan: Ricordi, 2003, pp. ix-lxxiv. [editor] Gastone Vio, "Nuovi elementi biografici su alcuni musicisti del Seicento veneziano," Recercare, XIV (2002). "La Guerra dei Comici: Mantuan Comedy and Venetian Opera in c. 1700," Recercare, X (1998, In memoriam Nino Pirrotta), 209-248. "His, Hers, Theirs: Wedding Pageants, Wedding Operas, and the Musical Politics of Match-Making," American Musicological Society, UCLA, 28 April 2001. "Rites of Autumn, Winter, and Spring: Decoding the Calendar of Venetian Opera," Ninth Biennial Conference on Baroque Music, Trinity College Dublin, 13 July 2000. Also Annual Meeting of the Society for Seventeenth-Century Music, Charlottesville, VA, 10 April 1999. "Horse Ballets in Baroque Italy," Berkeley Early Music Festival, 7 June 2000. "The Invention of the Fortepiano as Intellectual History," International Symposium on the Early Piano, Shrine to Music Museum, Vermillion, SD, 5-8 May 2000; article forthcoming. "Celebrations of Power: The Performing Arts in Baroque Venice," Boston Handel and Haydn Society, 29 April 2000. [First given at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, for a symposium on the Glories of Venice exhibition, 1 April 1995.] "Expanding Violin Technique in Vivaldi's Time," lecture-demo with Stanley Ritchie (Baroque violin), Boston Handel and Haydn Society, 27 April 2000. "La guerra de' comici: Mantuan Comedy and Venetian Opera in c.1700," Recercare X (1998), 209-248. "The War of the Spanish Succession: Consequences for Music in Venice," Austria 996-1996: Music in a Changing Society, ed. Walter Kreyszig, I (Vienna: Wilhelm Braumüller Universitäts-Verlagsbuchhandlung), forthcoming. Talk: Ottawa, 1996. "Venetian Opera, French Criticism, and English Travels: The Case of Le Mercure de France and Joseph Addison," Revue de musicologie, 83/2 (1997), pp. 185-201. "Rovetta's Music for Holy Week," La Basilica di San Marco nell'età moderna, ed. Francesco Passadore e Franco Rossi (talk, 1994; book, Venice: Fondazione Levi, 1998), pp. 401-441. "Venice: Musical Expression in an Era of Political Decline" in Music and Man (gen. ed. Stanley Sadie), 4: The Late Baroque Era from the 1680s to 1740, ed. George J. Buelow (London: Macmillan, 1993), pp. 66-93. "Vivaldi's Cello Sonatas" in Vivaldi vero e falso: Problemi di attribuzione, ed. Antonio Fanna and Michael Talbot (Florence: Leo S. Olschki Editore, 1992), pp. 127-148. "Genre and Instrumentation in Italian Music, 1600-1670," Early Music, XIX/1 (1991), pp. 61-7. "The Baroque Era: Introduction" in Performance Practice (The New Grove Handbooks in Music), II: Music after 1600, ed. Howard Mayer Brown and Stanley Sadie, 2 vols. (London: The Macmillan Press and New York: W.W. Norton & Co., Ltd., 1989), II, pp. 3-19. "Vivaldi and Marcello: Clues to Provenance and Chronology" in Nuove studi vivaldiani: Edizione e cronologia critica delle opere, ed. Antonio Fanna and Giovanni Morelli (Florence: Leo S. Olschki Editore, 1988), pp. 785-800. "Italian Oratorio and the Baroque Orchestra," Early Music, XVI/14 (1988), pp. 506-13. "Marcello's Music: Repertory vs. Reputation" in Benedetto Marcello: La sua opera e il suo tempo, ed. Claudio Madricardo e Franco Rossi (Florence: Olschki, 1988), pp. 205-22. "Music at the Pietà before Vivaldi," Early Music, XIV/3 (1986), pp. 373-86. "Opera Criticism and the Venetian Press" in Opera and Vivaldi: Reflections of a Changing World, ed. Michael Collins and Elise Kirk. (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1984), pp. 179-90. "Dating Vivaldi's Venetian Operas," Informazioni e studi vivaldiani, 5 (1984), pp. 53-65. " 'Il teatro di meraviglie'--Venezia, la scena veneziana e l'origine della critica musicale nell'Età della Stravanganza" in L'invenzione del gusto: Corelli e Vivaldi, ed. Giovanni Morelli. (Venice: Ricordi, 1982), pp. 136-41. "Fragments of Art Criticism from a Forgotten Venetian Journal," Arte veneta, XXXIV (1980). "Ancora sul mito della rifondazione stilistica della musica nelle cantate mitologiche di Marcello," in Mitologia: convivenze di musica e mitologia, ed. Giovanni Morelli. (Venice: Edizioni «La Biennale di Venezia», 1979), pp. 101-6. "Venetian Instrumentalists in England: A Bassano Chronicle (1538-1660)," Studi musicali, XIII (1979), pp. 173-221. "Canzona and Sonata: Some Differences in Social Identity," International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, IX/1 (1978), pp. 111-19. "Bassano and the Orchestra of St. Mark's," Early Music, IV/2 (1976), pp. 153-58. "Beethoven and Greek Classicism," Journal of the History of Ideas, XXXIII/4 (1972), pp. 577-95. "Dario Castello: A Non-Existent Biography," Music and Letters, LIII/2 (1972). "Annotated Membership Lists of the Venetian Instrumentalists' Guild, 1672-1727," Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle, No. 9 (1971), 1-52. Also "...Additional Annotations," Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle, No. 12 (1975), pp. 152-5. |