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Publications: Music
Technology and Cognition
Eleanor Selfridge-Field
The Virtual Score: Representation, Retrieval, Restoration (Computing in Musicology 12). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2001. Melodic Similarity: Concepts, Procedures, and Applications (Computing in Musicology 11). Cambridge,
MA: Beyond MIDI: The Handbook of Musical Codes. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1997. 632 pp. Computing in Musicology, Vols. 1-10. Menlo Park, CA: CCARH, 1985-96. [co-edited with Walter B. Hewlett].
Talks and Articles: "Data Models for Virtual Distribution of Musical Scores" [with Walter B. Hewlett and Craig Sapp], IEEE CS and Wedelmusic symposium on electronic publishing of musical scores, Tempo Reale, Florence, 23-24 November 2001. "The Electronic Dissemination of Notated Music: An Overview" [with Don Anthony and Charles Cronin]. The Virtual Score (Computing in Musicology 12; The MIT Press, 2001), 135-166. "Composition, Combinatorics, and Simulation: A Historical and Philosophical Enquiry" in Virtual Music: Computer Synthesis of Musical Style, ed. David Cope with commentary by Douglas Hofstadter (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2001), pp. 187-220. (Derived from the symposium "The Computer and Creativity," mod. Douglas Hofstadter, CCARH, Stanford University, November 1997.) "Domain Selection: Computational Approaches and Representational Paradoxes" in the AMS/SMT joint session Subject or Object? Concepts of Representation in Current Music Scholarship (David Lidov, Christopher Hasty, Larry Zbikowski, mod. Nicholas Cook, org. E. Selfridge-Field), Toronto 2000 (joint meeting of the AMS, SMT, SMPC, and 11 other societies). "What Motivates a Musical Query?" Invited talk, inaugural meeting of the International Society for Musical Information Retrieval, U. Massachusetts (Plymouth), 15-17 October, 2000. "Musical Data and Search Tools: MuseData and Themefinder ." Invited talk, Historical Seminar, Slovenian Academy of Sciences (with rebroadcast on Slovenian television). 18 September 2000. Musical Information symposium, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, 14-16 June 2000. "Musical Informatics: An Introduction." Invited talk, Digital Libraries Initiative (Phase 2) symposium, University of Maryland. 2 March 2000. "Databases for Music(ological) Research." Talk for the Library of Congress, National Digital Library Learning Center, Washington, DC, 4 March 2000. Response to Round Table 1: Perception and Cognition (John Sloboda, chair) in Musicology and Sister Disciplines: Past, Present, Future: Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of the International Musicological Society, London, 1997, ed. David Greer at al. (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), pp. 111-115. Session organizer, IMS Study Group on Musical Data and Computer Applications: Two sessions on "New Methods, New Visions: Computational Initiatives for a New Millennium": (Frans Wiering, Ewa Dahlig, David Cooper and Kia Ng, David Halperin, John Howard, David Huron, Donncha O Maidin, Andreas Kornstädt; Arvid Vollsnes, Lelio Camilleri, chairs. See Musicology and Sister Disciplines: Past, Present, Future: Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of the International Musicological Society, London, 1997, ed. David Greer at al. (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2000). "Domains of Music Representation: Human Paradoxes and Contextual Confounds," invited talk, Technische Universitaet Berlin, 22 November 1999. Invited panelist, Intermedium I: Art and Technology, mod. Karl Bruckmeier, Bayerischer Rundfunk in collaboration with the Akademie der Kuenste, Berlin, 19-21 November 1999. "Databases for Music(ologic)al Research: MuseData and Themefinder," invited talk, Wilhelm-Schickart-Institut für Informatik, Universitaet Tuebingen (Germany), 16 November 1999. "Representational Paradoxes in Music Applications," invited talk, Zentrum for Kuenste-und Musiktechnologie, Karlsruhe, Germany, 13 November 1999. "Domain Relationships in Man-Machine Interactions in Music," invited talk, Sign Processes and Complex Systems (Seventh Congress of the International Semiotics Society, Technische-Universitaet, Dresden (Germany), 4 October 1999. "EsAC Data in the English-Speaking World: A Progress Report," International Council on Traditional Music, Study Group on Computer Applications, Annual Meeting, Krakow University, Krakow, Poland. 18 September 1999. "Reconciling Historical Calendars," Abstracts from the Fourth International Congress on Digital Resources in the Humanities (King’s College, London; 15 September 1999). "Music Copyright, Music Technology, and Music Archiving: Issues and Interpretations," Fourth International Congress on Digital Resources in the Humanities: Abstracts (King’s College, London; 14 September 1999). "Representing Musical Information for Retrieval," invited talk, Association for Computing Machinery: SIGIR: Exploratory Workshop on Music Information Retrieval, Berkeley, CA; 19 August 1998. [See p. 9 of linked summary.] "Come si usa il Computer nelle Ricerche Musicali?" Istituto di Paleografia Musicale, Universita di Pavia, 3 March 1998; Facolta di Letter, Universita di Pisa, 4 March 1998. "Il computer nell=ambiente delle ricerche musicali: Dove stiamo?" Istituto di Teatro, Musica, e Spettacolo, Universita di Bologna, February 1998. "Computer Musicology: Accomplishments and Challenges," Computer Music Journal 20/4 (1996), pp. 29-32. "Bach in the Age of Technology" in Neue Musiktechnologie II: Vorträge und Berichte vom KlangArt-Kongress 1993, ed. Bernd Enders (Mainz: Schott, 1997), pp. 133-147. "Music Analysis by Computer: Approaches and Issues" in
Music Processing (Computer Music and Digital "Reflections on Technology and Musicology," Acta musicologica, LXII/2-3 (1990), pp. 302-314. "Databases and the Practice of Musicology," Atti del XIV Congresso della Società Internazionale di Musicologia: Trasmissione e recezione delle forme di culture musicale (Bologna, 1987), ed. A. Pompilio, L. Bianconi, A. Gallo, and D. Restani (Turin: Edizioni di Torino, 1990), II, pp. 35-42.