From:                                          Dentino, Douglas (GPMS) []

Sent:                                            Tuesday, March 02, 2010 7:17 AM


Subject:                                       New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2011 Invitation

Attachments:                            Vivaldi_Antonio.doc


New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2011



Executive Editor: Robert Fastiggi


Board Editors: Frank J. Coppa, Joseph Koterski, S.J.


Consulting Editors:  Diane Apostolos-Cappadona, Rebecca Maloy, Mary R. Reichardt


March 2, 2010


Dear Dr. Selfridge-Field:


On behalf of Robert Fastiggi and the members of the editorial board of the New Catholic Encyclopedia Supplement 2011, I cordially invite you to be a contributor.


The New Catholic Encyclopedia is intended to be a standard reference work for students, teachers, librarians, journalists, and general readers interested in the history, doctrine, practices, and people of the Catholic faith. The original Catholic Encyclopedia was published between 1907 and 1914 by The Encyclopedic Press Inc. (formerly the Robert Appleton Company); supplements followed in 1922 and 1958. In 1967, the Catholic University of America, in collaboration with the McGraw-Hill Book Company, produced an entirely new work, the 15-volume New Catholic Encyclopedia. Supplemental volumes appeared in 1974, 1979, 1989, and 1996. In 2001, the Gale Group, in collaboration with the Catholic University of America, published a Jubilee Volume of the New Catholic Encyclopedia as a transition to the 15- volume Second Edition of the New Catholic Encyclopedia that appeared in 2003.


In the summer of 2006, the publisher, Cengage Learning, together with the Catholic University of America Press, developed a plan for ongoing updating of the Second Edition in electronic form. There will be new entries as well as revised and updated articles from either the 1967 or 2003 editions. The updating is intended to provide readers with entries on topics related to Catholic faith and culture, with a special focus on the U.S.A. These new entries will include biographies as well as articles on movements, organizations, documents and ideas that are either Catholic or of special interest to Catholics


Below is an assignment list (Schedule A), which indicates the article the editors would like you to contribute, its desired length, date of completion, and a description of its contents. (If you are being invited to contribute multiple articles, you will receive a formal invitation for each.)


If you agree to become a contributor, I will send you a formal agreement for your signature, along with a set of guidelines for the preparation of your manuscript. Please contact me if you have questions concerning the assignment. I would be happy to discuss a revision of due dates in order to accommodate your writing schedule. It is our policy not to remove an author’s name from our list of potential contributors until we are notified that he or she cannot participate in the project. Therefore, please let me know no later than 3/16/2010 whether or not you are willing to undertake this assignment.


I look forward to informing Dr. Fastiggi and his editorial board that you have agreed to support this significant project by becoming a contributor.





Douglas Dentino

Macmillan Reference USA


Schedule A




Vivaldi, Antonio



Revise and expand the existing entry on Vivaldi to bring it up to date with current scholarship, addressing an audience that has no familiarity with him or his music.  Begin with a sentence that summarizes his general biography and significance, such as this sample from the current entry on J.S. Bach: Preeminent composer who brought the baroque style in music to a close; b. Eisenach, Germany, March 21, 1685; d. Leipzig, July 28, 1750. Provide a biography and a discussion of his works, focusing on his contributions to sacred music and their place in the Catholic musical traidtion. Incorporate up-to-date scholarship and draw attention to any relevant scholarly controversies. At the end of the entry, include a few up-to-date sources as a bibliography.


Due Date:

June 7, 2010


Assigned Words:



Payment Amount:
