# Programmer:    Craig Stuart Sapp <craig@ccrma.stanford.edu>
# Creation Date: Sun Dec 24 14:08:31 PST 2000
# Last Modified: Fri Dec 31 22:01:43 PST 2010
# Filename:      collatemd2
# Syntax:        perl 5
# Description:   Concatentates all stage[12] files listed on the commandline
#                as arguments to this program into a single file.
#                with /eof markers separating the original individual files,
#                and the string "//" as the last line indicating no more
#                data.
#                The names of the original files are placed on a line such as
#                    FILENAME = 01
#                In a multi-line comment before the first header records
#                of the file.  Multi-line comments start with a line
#                starting with an ampersand (&) and end at the first line
#                after that which starts with an ampersand.

use strict;

die "Usage $0 stage1 or stage2 file(s)\n" if @ARGV == 0;

my @files = sort @ARGV;
foreach my $file (@files) {
   next if (!-r $file);    # Added Tue Dec 21 11:29:52 PST 2010
                           # to prevent dummy files such as s[0-9]*
print "//\r\n";



## printheader --  Print a multi-line comment file at the start of the
##     originally separate part file which gives the name of the original
##     file (so the multi-file packaging process can be reversed).

sub printheader {
   my ($file) = @_;
   $file =~ s/.*\///;
   print <<"EOT";
FILENAME = $file\r

## printcontents -- print the given file's contents, adding /eof if 
##     necessary to the end of the file contents (if it is not there
##     already).

sub printcontents {
   my ($file) = @_;
   open (FILE, "$file") || die "Cannot open $file for reading";
   my @contents = <FILE>;
   close FILE;
   my $line;
   foreach $line (@contents) {
      print $line;
   if ($line !~ /^\/eof/) {  # print /eof line if not found in the data
      print "/eof\r\n";