NOTES on Vivaldi Opus 1 - Trio Sonatas I - XII (June 14, 2010) Estienne Roger Marchand Libraire No. 363, Amsterdam [facsimile] The facsimile had a light double bar between movements, but in movements where there are repeats (i.e. No. 1, Mvts. 2, 4, & 5) their repeat signs are like our heavy double bars. At the end of movements where the second part was to be repeated there was a heavy ":|:" and there was also a light double bar to end the movement. Our usual light-heavy double bar were used to end movements. Adagio movements were treated differently depending on their function in the Sonata, and the way they were notated in the Roger fascimile. The Adagios in Sonatas I & III came between movements strongly in G Minor & C Major respectively and were considered separate movements, even though the Adagio in III was only 4 measures long. In Sonata IV the Allegro preceeding the Adagio didn't come to a cadence but morphed into the Adagio with only the normal single bar and finally came to a cadance 7 meas. later so was not considered a movement on its own. The "/" through the figure "7" actually looks like a flat and acts like one (i.e. No. 1, Mvt. 1, meas.3 & Mvt.4, meas.9). The "\" through the figure "6" is more normal and acts like a + (i.e. No. 1, Mvt.3, meas.2). A "\" in conjunction with a 5 or a 9 didn't print so I used "5+" (No. 2, Mvt. 1, measure 5 amd Mvts. 2-4) and "9+" (No. 2, Mvt. 1, measure 6). SONATA VII in Eb Major, RV 65 (Roger is notated in two flats.) It has been put into 3 flats (modern notation) in op1no7ef. Movement 1 - Preludio, Largo (C) Movement 2 - Allemanda, Allegro (C) Meas. 29 - Violino 2 - Roger has the "p" on the 3rd beat of the measure but it makes much more musical sense to have it on the 1st beat of m.30. Note in file. Obvious but check w/ESF Movement 3 - Sarabanda, Andante (3/4) Movement 4 - Giga, Presto There are two versions of this movement both in three flats. The Roger facsimile is our main version of this Mvt. MOVEMENT 04 is the way it was notated in Roger, namely 12/8 for Vn.1 and "C" (common time) for Vn.2 and the Bc. MOVEMENT 05 is the alternate version with the meters regularized, with all four parts in 12/8. No repeat sign in m.1 in Roger, implying that from m.6 one went back to the beginning. Rhythmically inaccurate, but the initial 8th rests were probably assumed to be ignored. 1st & 2nd endings were added at the end and repeat signs were added and repositioned for rhythmical accuracy and combatability between parts.