NOTES on Vivaldi Opus 1 - Trio Sonatas I - XII 
                          (Dec. 31, 2009) 

    Estienne Roger Marchand Libraire No. 363, Amsterdam [facsimile] 

      In Sonata XII (Folia) there was a theme and 19 variations, most 
    of which were 16 measures long each.  They were divided by light 
    double bars and the Roger edition had a fermata over the last 
    note of each with the exception of "5"  & at the end of the Vn.2 
    part of "7".   We mentioned this in the NOTES and the file for 
    the Vn.2 part of "7". We did enter fermatas at the end of all 
    parts except for "5", as did the scan. 

      The old "+", "x" figured bass notations in Roger were replaced 
    by the easier to read "#" as a figure or an addition to a figure. 
    When "/" & "\" crossed through numbered figures modifying their 
    function, we modified the numbers with a "#" "b" or a natural, as 
    was appropriate - hopefully clarifying the reading of the figures.  
    (The "/" through the figure "7" actually looks like a flat and 
    acts like one, i.e. - No. 1, Mvt. 1, meas.3 & Mvt.4, meas.9.  
    The "\" through the figure "6" acts like a "#" here for Roger 
    frequently uses "6b","5b", & "4b", i.e. -  No. 1, Mvt.2 m.17-18.  
    A "\" in conjunction with a 5 or a 9 doesn't print. (No. 2 Giga) 

    FOLIA XII in d minor, RV 63 

     The CCARH ed. is in the meters of the Roger faacsimile where 
       in Mvt.13 Roger had Vn.1 & 2 in 9/8 & Vc. & Bc. in 3/4 and 
       in Mvt.14 Roger had Vn.1 & 2 in 3/4 & Vc. & Bc. in 9/8.  
     An alternative version is in Sonata 12 (alt.) where meters 
       in Mvts.13 & 14 have been regularized in all parts to 9/8. 
       These appear in the files as stage2al & score_al. 

      1. Adagio  3/4 - 16 measures 
      2. Andante  "  - 16    "     (meas.17-32) 
      3. Allegro  "  - 16    "     (meas.33-48) 
      4. 3/4 - 16 measures         (meas.49-64) 
      5. 3/4 - 16    "             (meas.65-80) 
      6. 3/4 - 16    "             (meas.81-96) 
          Meas. 88 - Vc. & Bc. - No natural on the Bf2 in Roger, but 
            that is wrong for harmonic reasons.  Made a note in the 
            file & entered an editorial natural.  Oversight?  
      7. 3/4 - 16 measures         (meas. 97-112)                        
          Meas.106 - Violino 1 - The 3rd note was G5 in Roger, which       
            sounds fine but it was changed to an EDITORIAL A#5. Bars 
            1-8 of this mvt. are repeated with this note the only one 
            differing in the first 5 meas. of the repeat in Roger.  
            An EDITORIAL figure "7" added on the last 8th in the Bc.  
          Meas.111 (m.15 in 7.) - Bc. - Unclear placement of figures 
            in Roger. The figures "6", "6 4+ 3", and "6" were centered 
            around the 1st G3.  Placed "6 3" on the G3 & "6 4#" on the 
            2nd beat.  
      8. 3/4 - 16 measures         (meas. 113-128) 
      9. 3/4 - 16 measures         (meas. 129-144) 
     10. 3/4 - 16 measures         (meas. 145-160) 
     11. Allegro 3/4 - 16 measures (meas. 161-176) 
     12. Largetto 3/4 - 16 measures (meas. 177-192) 
     13. Allegro - 16 measures     (meas. 193-208)                     
          Mvt. 01 - Violini in 9/8 & 3/4 like the Roger ed.  
            Meas. 207 in this variation is the problem one.  
          Mvt. 01 alt. has all parts normalized to 9/8.  

          Meas. 200 & 202 (m.8 & 10 in 13.) - Violino 2 - Roger 
            didn't put natural signs in front of the B4s, like in 
            m.194. An oversight?  B naturals make more harmonic sense.  
            Made notes in the files & entered EDITIORAL naturals.  
     14. 3/4 & 9/8 - 16 measures   (meas. 209-224) 
          Mvt. 01 - Violini in 3/4 & 9/8 like the Roger ed.  
          Mvt. 01 alt. has all parts in 9/8. (More computer friendly.) 

          Meas. 207 - Ricordi puts a 3/4 mid measure for the violins.  
            I originally added a "2" in the stage2 files to call 
            attention to the duple (as one would to a triplet) like: 
                 measure 207
                 D3     3      1 e  2  d  [      * 
                 G3     3      1 e  2  d  ]      !  
                 A3     6      1 q.    d
                 A2     6      1 q.    u
                 measure 208
            but it was decided to leave it out & notate the problem  
            in the NOTES instead.  
     15. Adagio 12/8 - 8 measures  (meas. 225-232) 
          Meas. 231 - Violini at end of meas. have a dotted 8th, a 
            a 16th, & an 8th note.  Bc. had three 8ths. Left it.  
     16. Allegro 3/4 - 16 measures (meas. 233-247) 
     17. 3/4 - 16 measures         (meas. 248-264) 
          Meas.250, 256, & 258 - Vn. 2 - Roger missed the naturals on 
            the B4s.  An oversight?   Necessary for harmonic reasons.  
            Made notes in the files and entered EDITORIAL naturals.  
          Meas. 251 & 259 - Vc. & Bc. - No added accidentals in Roger 
            and it leads well to C + in the next meas., but a B3 & a 
            C#4 might have been more expected on the 8th & 9th notes.  
     18. 3/4 - 16 measures         (meas. 265-280) 
     19. 3/4 - 16 measures         (meas. 281-296) 
     20. 3/4 - 24 measures         (meas. 297-320)