(C) 1994, 2002 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {vivaldi/dover/op8/11/stage2/1/08ex} [KHM:2113113977] TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:7e62f1656ba13e765b245cf0214cc0f1] 05/10/94 E. Correia WK#:8,11 MV#:1 RV 210 / Le Cene No.521, Amsterdam 0 0 . Group memberships: score score: part 8 of 8 & excerpt used in critical notes of Dover edition & $ K:2 Q:24 C:4 T:1/1 G4 12 e d [ ( Bf4 12 e f d = E5 12 e d = ) Bf5 12 e f d ] D5 24 q d ( C#5 12 e d [ A4 12 e d ] ) measure 127 G4 12 e d [ ( Bf4 12 e f d = E5 12 e d = ) D6 12 e d ] measure /END