!!!COM: Vivaldi, Antonio !!!OPR: Concerto No. 7 in D Minor !!!OTL: Largo !!!ONM: Opus 8, No. 7 !!!OMV: 2 !!!SCT: RV 242 !!!SCA: Verzeichnis der Werke Antonio Vivaldis: kleine Ausgabe (P. Ryom) !!!YOR: Dover Edition !!!EED: Eleanor Selfridge-Field !!!ENC: Edmund Correia, Jr. !!!CDT: 1678/3/4/-1741/7/28/ !!!OCY: Italia !!!YEC: Copyright (c) 1994, 2000 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities !!!YEM: Rights to all derivative editions reserved. !!!YEM: Refer to licensing agreement for further details. !!!YEN: United States of America **kern **kern **kern **kern **kern *I:Violino principale *I:Violino 1 *I:Violino 2 *I:Viola *I:Violoncello; Basso continuo *>[A,A,B,B] *>[A,A,B,B] *>[A,A,B,B] *>[A,A,B,B] *>[A,A,B,B] *>A *>A *>A *>A *>A *clefG2 *clefG2 *clefG2 *clefC3 *clefF4 *k[b-e-] *k[b-e-] *k[b-e-] *k[b-e-] *k[b-e-] *g: *g: *g: *g: *g: *M3/4 *M3/4 *M3/4 *M3/4 *M3/4 ! Largo ! Largo ! Largo ! Largo ! Largo *tb8 *tb8 *tb8 *tb8 *tb8 =1- =1- =1- =1- =1- 4dd\ 8r 2.r 8G/L 8GG/L . 8g/L . 8G/ 8GG/ 4gg\ 8b-/ . 8G/ 8GG/ . 8dd/ . 8G/ 8GG/ 4bb-\ 8b-/ . 8G/ 8GG/ . 8g/J . 8G/J 8GG/J =2 =2 =2 =2 =2 ! ! ! ! ! **Bnum:._# 4.ff#\ 4a/ 8r 8d\L 8D\L . . 8f#/L 8d\ 8D\ . 4r 8a/ 8d\ 8D\ 8een\ . 8dd/ 8d\ 8D\ 4dd\ 4r 8a/ 8d\ 8D\ . . 8f#/J 8d\J 8D\J =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 ! ! ! ! ! **Bnum:._# 4dd\ 8r 4d/ 8d\L 8D\L . 8f#/L . 8d\ 8D\ 4ff#\ 8a/ 4r 8d\ 8D\ . 8dd/ . 8d\ 8D\ 4ccc\ 8a/ 4r 8d\ 8D\ . 8f#/J . 8d\J 8D\J =4 =4 =4 =4 =4 4.bb-\ 4g/ 8r 8G/L 8GG/L . . 8g/L 8G/ 8GG/ . 4r 8b-/ 8G/ 8GG/ 8aa\ . 8dd/ 8G/ 8GG/ 4gg\ 4r 8b-/ 8G/ 8GG/ . . 8g/J 8G/J 8GG/J =5 =5 =5 =5 =5 4dd\ 8r 4b-\ 8G/L 8GG/L . 8g/L . 8G/ 8GG/ 4gg\ 8b-/ 4r 8G/ 8GG/ . 8dd/ . 8G/ 8GG/ 4bb-\ 8b-/ 4r 8G/ 8GG/ . 8g/J . 8G/J 8GG/J =6 =6 =6 =6 =6 ! ! ! ! ! **Bnum:._7 # 4.cc#\ 4en/ 8r 8A/L 8AA/L . . 8en/L 8A/ 8AA/ . 4r 8a/ 8A/ 8AA/ 8een\ . 8cc#/ 8A/ 8AA/ 4aa\ 4r 8a/ 8A/ 8AA/ . . 8e/J 8A/J 8AA/J =7 =7 =7 =7 =7 8ff\L 8r 8f\L 8d\L 8D\L 8aa\J 8a\L 8dd\ 8d\ 8D\ ! ! ! ! ! **Bnum:._# 4.eent\ 8cc#\ 8een\ 8a\ 8A\ . 8een\ 8aa\ 8a\ 8A\ . 8cc#\ 8ee\ 8A\ 8AA\ 8dd\ 8a\J 8cc#\J 8A\J 8AA\J =8 =8 =8 =8 =8 2.dd\ 2.f/ 2.dd\ 2.d\ 2.D\ =9:!!: =9:!!: =9:!!: =9:!!: =9:!!: *>B *>B *>B *>B *>B ! ! ! ! ! **Bnum:._n 4ddd\ 2.r 8r 8G/L 8GG/L . . 8bn\L 8G/ 8GG/ 4bbn\ . 8dd\ 8G/ 8GG/ . . 8gg\ 8G/ 8GG/ 4ff\ . 8dd\ 8G/ 8GG/ . . 8b\J 8G/J 8GG/J =10 =10 =10 =10 =10 ! ! ! ! ! **Bnum:._f 4.ee-\ 8r 4g/ 8c\L 8C/L . 8g\L . 8c\ 8C/ . 8cc\ 4r 8c\ 8C/ 8dd\ 8ee-\ . 8c\ 8C/ 4cc\ 8cc\ 4r 8c\ 8C/ . 8g\J . 8c\J 8C/J =11 =11 =11 =11 =11 ! ! ! ! ! **Bnum:._7 4ccc\ 4a/ 8r 8F/L 8FF/L . . 8a\L 8F/ 8FF/ 4aa\ 4r 8cc\ 8F/ 8FF/ . . 8ff\ 8F/ 8FF/ 4ee-\ 4r 8cc\ 8F/ 8FF/ . . 8a\J 8F/J 8FF/J =12 =12 =12 =12 =12 4.dd\ 8r 4f/ 8B-/L 8BB-/L . 8f/L . 8B-/ 8BB-/ . 8b-/ 4r 8B-/ 8BB-/ 8cc\ 8dd/ . 8B-/ 8BB-/ 4b-\ 8b-/ 4r 8B-/ 8BB-/ . 8f/J . 8B-/J 8BB-/J =13 =13 =13 =13 =13 ! ! ! ! ! **Bnum:._6 4dd\ 4g/ 8r 8B-/L 8BB-/L . . 8g/L 8B-/ 8BB-/ 4gg\ 4r 8b-/ 8B-/ 8BB-/ . . 8dd/ 8B-/ 8BB-/ 4bb-\ 4r 8b-/ 8B-/ 8BB-/ . . 8g/J 8B-/J 8BB-/J =14 =14 =14 =14 =14 ! ! ! ! ! **Bnum:._f6 4.aa-\ 8r 4e-/ 8c\L 8C/L . 8a-\L . 8c\ 8C/ . 8cc\ 4r 8c\ 8C/ 8bb-\ 8ee-\ . 8c\ 8C/ 4ccc\ 8cc\ 4r 8c\ 8C/ . 8a-\J . 8c\J 8C/J =15 =15 =15 =15 =15 8bb-\L 8g/L 8r 8G/L 8GG/L 8gg\J 8g/ 8d/L 8G/ 8GG/ ! ! ! ! ! **Bnum:._# 4.ff#t\ 8an/ 8f#/ 8d/ 8D/ . 8dd/ 8a/ 8d/ 8D/ . 8a/ 8dd/ 8D/ 8DD/ 8gg\ 8dd/J 8a/J 8D/J 8DD/J =16 =16 =16 =16 =16 2.gg\ 2.b-\ 2.b-\ 2.G/ 2.GG/ ==:|! ==:|! ==:|! ==:|! ==:|! *- *- *- *- *- !!!RWG: Key is interpreted using the Humdrum key tool. !!!GTL: Il Cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione !!!AFT: stage2 !!!END: 1994/04/26/ !!format changes: !!content changes: !!public access: parts !!!KEY: 861858287 !!!EMD: Converted from MuseData to Humdrum Dec 16, 2000, by Andreas Kornstaedt using muse2kern.