(C) 1989, 2002 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {telemann/magdebrg/germania/stage2/07/03} [KHM:519384532] TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:f58bef0f834258720fc546666857201d] 02/28/89 E. Correia WK#:S,2 MV#:6 Reichsdenkmale Bd.11 (Karl M. Komma) Serenata 7. Recitativo Violoncello 1 78 Group memberships: score sound short score: part 3 of 3 sound: part 2 of 2 short: part 2 of 2 & Tranfer from old stage2 to new stage2 & $ K:0 Q:2 T:1/1 C:22 C3 2 q u rest 2 q rest 4 h measure 2 rest 4 h F#3 2 q d rest 2 q measure 3 rest 8 measure 4 B2 2 q u rest 2 q E3 2 q d rest 2 q measure 5 E3 2 q d rest 2 q D#3 2 q d rest 2 q measure 6 G3 2 q d rest 2 q rest 1 e E4 1 e d [ B3 1 e d = G3 1 e d ] measure 7 E3 1 e d [ C3 1 e d ] A2 1 e u [ B2 1 e u ] E2 4 h u mheavy2 /END