!!!COM: Telemann, Georg Philipp !!!OPR: Germania mit ihrem Chor !!!OTL: 40. Recitativo !!!OMV: 40 !!!SCT: TWV 12:1c !!!SCA: Georg Philipp Telemann: Thematisch-Systematisches Verzeichnis seiner Werke (M. Ruhnke) !!!YOR: Magdeburg Edition !!!EED: Wolfgang Hirschmann !!!ENC: Edmund Correia, Jr. !!!CDT: 1681/3/14/-1767/6/25/ !!!OCY: Deutschland !!!YEC: Copyright (c) 1994, 2000 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities !!!YEM: Rights to all derivative editions reserved. !!!YEM: Refer to licensing agreement for further details. !!!YEN: United States of America **kern **silbe **kern **kern *I:Irene *I:Irene *I:Continuo *I:Violoncello *clefG2 * *clefG2 *clefF4 *k[f#c#] * *k[f#c#] *k[f#c#] *D: * *D: *D: *M4/4 * *M4/4 *M4/4 *tb16 * *tb16 *tb16 =1- =1- =1- =1- 4r . 1r 4GG#/ 8r . . 4r 8ee\ Ge- . . 4ee\ -seg- . 2r 4e/ -net . . =2 =2 =2 =2 8b\ sei 1r 2r 8cc#\ der . . 8dd\ Gna- . . 8cc#\ -den- . . 4cc#\ -tag, . 4AA/ 16r . . 4r 16cc#\ den . . 16dd\ man . . 16ee\ mit . . =3 =3 =3 =3 4a/ Recht 1r 4F#\ 8r . . 4r 8a/ ins . . 8ff#\ Her- . 2r 8ee\ -ze . . 8dd\ gra- . . 8cc#\ -ben . . =4 =4 =4 =4 4a/ mag! 1r 4E\ 4r . . 4AA/ *clefF4 * * * ! ! ! ! 4r . . 4D#\ ! Mars ! ! ! 8r . . 4r 8B\ Ge- . . =5 =5 =5 =5 4B\ -seg- 1r 1r 4BB/ -net . . 8F#\ sei . . 8G#\ das . . 8A\ Lie- . . 8G#\ -bes- . . =6 =6 =6 =6 4G#\ -fest, 1r 4E\ 16r . . 4r 16G#\ das . . 16A\ uns . . 16B\ Gott . . 8c#\ jetzt . 4AA/ 8c#\ er- . . 8A\ -le- . 4r 8G#\ -ben . . =7 =7 =7 =7 4E\ l\3a\0/t! 1r 4BB/ 4r . . 4E\ 4r . . 4E#\ ! Frankfurt ! ! ! 8r . . 4r 8c#\ Ge- . . =8 =8 =8 =8 4c#\ -seg- 1r 1r 4G#\ -net . . 8B\ sei . . 8c#\ die . . 8d\ sch\3o- . . 8c#\ -ne . . =9 =9 =9 =9 4A\ Zeit, 1r 4F#\ 8r . . 4r 8A\ die . . 8c#\ Ro- . 2r 8A\ -sen . . 8A\ \3u- . . 8A\ -ber . . =10 =10 =10 =10 4F#\ uns 1r 4D\ 8r . . 4r 8F#\ und . . 8B\ uns- . 2r 8d\ -re . . 8B\ L\3an- . . 8A\ -der . . =11 =11 =11 =11 4F#\ streut! 1r 4C#/ 4r . . 4F#\ *clefG2 * * * ! ! ! ! 4r . . 4C#/ ! Germania ! ! ! 8r . . 4r 8ee\ Ge- . . =12 =12 =12 =12 8ee\ -seg- 1r 1r 8cc#\ -net . . 8a/ sei . . 8ee\ mein . . 4gg\ Prinz . . 8r . . . 8gg\ und . . =13 =13 =13 =13 8ee\ mei- 1r 2r 8ff#\ -ne . . 8gg\ Kai- . . 8ff#\ -se- . . 4ff#\ -rin, . 4D\ 8r . . 4r 8dd\ die- . . =14 =14 =14 =14 8dd\ -weil 1r 2r 8a/ ich . . 8b\ un- . . 8cc\ -ter . . 4b\ ihr . 4G\ 8r . . 4r 8b\ voll- . . =15 =15 =15 =15 8gg\ -kom- 1r 2r 8ee\ -men . . 8cc#\ gl\3uck- . . 8ff#\ -lich . . 4dd\ bin! . 4A\ 4r . . 4D\ ==|! ==|! ==|! ==|! *- *- *- *- !!!RWG: Key is interpreted using the Humdrum key tool. !!!AFT: stage2 !!!END: 1989/03/07 !!format changes: !!content changes: !!public access: complete !!!KEY: 991995412 !!!EMD: Converted from MuseData to Humdrum Dec 16, 2000, by Andreas Kornstaedt using muse2kern.