!!!COM: Handel, George Friderick !!!OPR: Judas Maccabaeus !!!OTL: Recit: From Capharsalama !!!OMV: 56 !!!SCT: HWV 63 !!!SCA: Verzeichnis der Werke Georg Friedrich Händel (B. Baselt) !!!YOR: Hicks Edition !!!EED: Anthony Hicks !!!ENC: Edmund Correia, Jr. !!!CDT: 1685/2/23/-1759/4/14/ !!!OCY: Deutschland; England !!!YEC: Copyright (c) 1994, 2000 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities !!!YEM: Rights to all derivative editions reserved. !!!YEM: Refer to licensing agreement for further details. !!!YEN: United States of America **kern **silbe **kern *I:Israelitish Messenger *I:Israelitish Messenger *I:Continuo *clefG2 * *clefF4 *k[] * *k[] *a: * *a: *M4/4 * *M4/4 *tb16 * *tb16 =1- =1- =1- ! ! ! **Bnum:._6 2r . [1E\ 8r . . 8c/ From . 8c/ Ca- . 8d/ -phar- . =2 =2 =2 16e/ -sa- 1E\] 16e/ -la- . 8e/ -ma, . 8r . . 8e/ on . 8e/ ea- . 8e/ -gle . 8e/ wings . 8f#/ I . =3 =3 =3 4g#/ \0>y, 1D\ 8r . . 8g#/ with . 8b\ ti- . 8b\ -dings . 16g#/ of . 16g#/ im- . 16f#/ -pe- . 16e/ -tuous . =4 =4 =4 4a/ joy: [1C#/ 8r . . 8e/ came . 8a/ Ly- . 16e/ -si- . 16e/ -as, . 8e/ with . 8d/ his . =5 =5 =5 4e/ host, 1C#/] 8r . . 8e/ ar- . 8g/ -ray'd . 8g/ in . 8g/ coat . 8f#/ of . =6 =6 =6 4d/ mail; 1F#\ 4r . . 8r . . 8d/ their . 8d/ mas- . 8e/ -sy . =7 =7 =7 8f#/ shields [1AA#/ 16r . . 16f#/ of . 8f#/ gold . 8c#/ and . 4e/ brass, . 8r . . 8e/ \0>ash'd . =8 =8 =8 8g/ light- 2AA#/] 8e/ -ning . 8f#/ o'er . 8c#/ the . 4d/ \0=elds, [2BB/ 8r . . 8d/ while . =9 =9 =9 8d/ the 2BB/] 8d/ huge . 8d/ tow'r- . 8e/ -back'd . ! ! ! **Bnum:._6\ 8f#/ e- [2AA/ 8f#/ -le- . 8f#/ -phants . 8g/ dis- . =10 =10 =10 8a/ -play'd 2AA/] 16r . . 16a/ a . 8cc\ hor- . 8a/ -rid . 4b\ front; [2GG/ 8r . . 8B/ but . =11 =11 =11 8d/ Ju- 2GG/] 8d/ -das, . 8r . . 16d/ un- . 16d/ -dis- . 4g/ -may'd, [2BB/ 4r . . =12 =12 =12 4d/ met, 1BB/] 4r . . 4g/ fought, . 8r . . 8d/ and . =13 =13 =13 8e/ van- 1C/ 8e/ -quish'd . 4r . . 8g/ all . 8g/ the . 8f#/ rage- . 8g/ -ful . =14 =14 =14 4d/ train. 4D\ 4r . 4GG/ 4r . [2GG#/ 8r . . 8B/ Yet . =15 =15 =15 4e/ more, 1GG#/_ 4r . . 8r . . 8e/ Ni- . 8e/ -ca- . 8f#/ -nor . =16 =16 =16 8g#/ lies 2GG#/] 16r . . 16g#/ with . 8b\ thou- . 8g#/ -sands . 4e/ slain; [2C#/ 8r . . 8e/ the . =17 =17 =17 16a/ blas- 1C#/_ 16e/ -phe- . 16e/ -mous . 16e/ Ni- . 8c#/ -ca- . 8c#/ -nor, . 8c#/ who . 8d/ de- . 4e/ -\0=ed . =18 =18 =18 8r . 1C#/_ 8e/ the . 8e/ liv- . 8f#/ -ing . 4g/ God, . 8r . . 8g/ and, . =19 =19 =19 8g/ in 2C#/] 8g/ his . 8a/ wan- . 8e/ -ton . ! ! ! **Bnum:._# 4f#/ pride, [2D\ 16r . . 16f#/ a . 16f#/ pub- . 16g/ -lic . =20 =20 =20 16a/ mo- 1D\] 16a/ -nu- . 8a/ -ment . 4r . . 8r . . 8a/ or- . 8f#/ -dain'd . 8d/ of . =21 =21 =21 16g/ vic- 2BB/ 16g/ -to- . 8g/ -ries . 8g/ yet . 8f#/ un- . ! ! ! **Bnum:._# 4d/ -gain'd. 4A\ 4r . 4D\ =22 =22 =22 8r . [1GG#/ 8B/ But . 4e/ lo! . 8r . . 8g#/ the . 8b\ con- . 16g#/ -que- . 16g#/ -ror . =23 =23 =23 4e/ comes; 2GG#/] 16r . . 16e/ and . 16e/ on . 16f#/ his . 4g#/ spear, [2D\ 8r . . 8g#/ to . =24 =24 =24 8g#/ dis- 2D\] 8g#/ -si- . 8f#/ -pate . 8e/ all . 4a/ fear, [2C#/ 8r . . 8e/ he . =25 =25 =25 4a/ bears 2C#/] 8r . . 8f#/ the . ! ! ! **Bnum:._6\ 8d/ vaunt- 2BB/ 8d/ -er's . 8f#/ head . 8e/ and . =26 =26 =26 ! ! ! **Bnum:._# 4c#/ hand, 1AA/ 8r . . 8e/ that . 8a/ threat- . 8e/ -en'd . 8d/ de- . 8c#/ -so- . =27 =27 =27 ! ! ! **Bnum:._# 8f#/ -la- 2D\ 8f#/ -tion . 8g#/ to . 8a/ the . ! ! ! **Bnum:._# 4e/ land. 4E\ ! ! ! **Bnum:._# 4r . 4AA/ ==|! ==|! ==|! *- *- *- !!!RWG: Key is interpreted using the Humdrum key tool. !!!AFT: stage2 !!!END: 1992/06/01/ !!format changes: !!content changes: !!public access: no !!!KEY: 1605027247 !!!EMD: Converted from MuseData to Humdrum Dec 16, 2000, by Andreas Kornstaedt using muse2kern.