!!!COM: Handel, George Friderick !!!OPR: Judas Maccabaeus !!!OTL: Recit: Victorious hero! !!!OMV: 30 !!!SCT: HWV 63 !!!SCA: Verzeichnis der Werke Georg Friedrich Händel (B. Baselt) !!!YOR: Hicks Edition !!!EED: Anthony Hicks !!!ENC: Edmund Correia, Jr. !!!CDT: 1685/2/23/-1759/4/14/ !!!OCY: Deutschland; England !!!YEC: Copyright (c) 1994, 2000 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities !!!YEM: Rights to all derivative editions reserved. !!!YEM: Refer to licensing agreement for further details. !!!YEN: United States of America **kern **silbe **kern *I:Israelitish Man *I:Israelitish Man *I:Continuo *clefG2 * *clefF4 *k[] * *k[] *C: * *C: *M4/4 * *M4/4 *tb16 * *tb16 =1- =1- =1- 8r . [1BB-/ 8f/ Vic- . 8f/ -to- . 8f/ -rious . 8b-\ he- . 8b-\ -ro! . 8dd\ Fame . 8cc\ shall . =2 =2 =2 ! ! ! **Bnum:._7 4f 2 8a/ tell, 1BB-/_ 16r . . 16a/ with . 8a/ her . 8b-\ last . 4cc\ breath, . 8r . . 8cc\ how . =3 =3 =3 ! ! ! **Bnum:2_b ! ! ! **Bnum:._3 8cc\ A- 1BB-/] 8e-/ -pol- . 8g/ -lo- . 8f/ -nius . 4d/ fell, . 8r . . 8f/ and . =4 =4 =4 ! ! ! **Bnum:._4 2f 8f/ all 2AA-/ 8f/ Sa- . 8g/ -ma- . 8a-/ -ria . ! ! ! **Bnum:._6f f 4b-\ \0>ed, 2GG/ 16r . . 16b-\ by . 16b-\ thee . 16cc\ pur- . =5 =5 =5 ! ! ! **Bnum:._6 f 4dd\ -sued, [1FF/ 16r . . 16f/ through . 16f/ hills . 16g/ of . 8a-/ car- . 8a-/ -nage . 4r . . =6 =6 =6 8a-/ and 2FF/] 8b-\ a . 8cc\ sea . 8b-\ of . 4g/ blood; [2E-\ 8r . . 8g/ while . =7 =7 =7 8g/ thy 2E-\] 8g/ re- . 8g/ -sist- . 8g/ -less . 8cc\ prow- [2E\ 8cc\ -ess . 8cc\ dealt . 8g/ a- . =8 =8 =8 4b-\ -round, 1E\_ 8r . . 8b-\ with . 8b-\ their . 8b-\ own . 8dd\ lead- . 8b-\ -er's . =9 =9 =9 8g/ sword, 2E\] 16r . . 16g/ the . 8b-\ death- . 8a/ -ful . 4f/ wound. [2F\ 8r . . 8a/ Thus, . =10 =10 =10 8a/ too, 2F\] 8a/ the . 8a/ haugh- . 8a/ -ty . 8dd\ Se- [2F#\ 8dd\ -ron, . 8dd\ Sy- . 8a/ -ria's . =11 =11 =11 4cc\ boast, 1F#\] 4r . . 8r . . 8cc\ be- . 8cc\ -fore . 8b\ thee . =12 =12 =12 4g/ fell, 1G\ 8r . . 8g/ with . 8b\ his . 8b\ un- . 8cc#\ -num- . 8dd\ -ber'd . =13 =13 =13 ! ! ! **Bnum:._# 4a/ host. 4A\ ! ! ! **Bnum:._# 4r . 4D\ 2r . 2r ==|! ==|! ==|! *- *- *- !!!RWG: Key is interpreted using the Humdrum key tool. !!!AFT: stage2 !!!END: 1992/05/01/ !!format changes: !!content changes: !!public access: no !!!KEY: 2545405798 !!!EMD: Converted from MuseData to Humdrum Dec 16, 2000, by Andreas Kornstaedt using muse2kern.