_C !1Table of Contents !4 _C PART ONE !2 _S150 _NF 1. Overture _B _R 1 2. !4Chorus!2: How long, oh Lord, shall Israel groan? _B _R 1 3. !4Recitative--Joacim!2: Our crime repeated _B _R 2 4. !4Air--Joacim!2: Clouds o'ertake the brightest day _B _R 2 5. !4Recitative--Susanna!2: Oh Joacim! _B _R 6 6. !4Duet--Susanna, Joacim!2: When thou art nigh _B _R 6 7. !4Recitative--Chelsias!2: Lives there in Babylon _B _R 12 8. !4Air--Chelsias!2: Who fears the Lord may dare all foes _B _R 12 9. !4Recitative--Joacim!2: A flame like mine _B _R 19 10. !4Air--Joacim!2: When first I saw my lovely maid _B _R 19 11. !4Recitative--Susanna!2: Let me confess _B _R 22 12. !4Air--Susanna!2: Would custom bid _B _R 22 13. !4Recitative--Chelsias!2: Down my old cheeks _B _R 25 14. !4Air--Chelsias!2: Peace crowned with roses _B _R 26 15. !4Recitative--Susanna!2: Oh pious Chelsias _B _R 27 16. !4Air--Susanna!2: Without the swain's assiduous care _B _R 27 17. !4Recitative--Joacim, Susanna!2: Source of each joy _B _R 31 18. !4Air--Joacim!2: The parent bird in search of food _B _R 32 19. !4Recitative--Susanna!2: On Joacim may ev'ry joy attend _B _R 36 20. !4Recitative--Susanna!2: What means this weight? _B _R 36 21. !4Air--Susanna!2: Bending to the throne of glory _B _R 37 22. !4Recitative--First Elder!2: Tyrannic love! I feel thy cruel dart _B _R 39 23. !4Air--First Elder!2: Ye verdant hills, ye balmy vales _B _R 40 24. !4Recitative--First Elder, Second Elder!2: Say is it fit that age? _B _R 42 25. !4Air--First Elder!2: The oak that for a thousand years _B _R 44 26. !4Recitative--First Elder, Second Elder!2: Ye winged gales _B _R 48 27. !4Air--First Elder!2: When the trumpet sounds _B _R 49 28. !4Chorus!2: Righteous Heav'n beholds their guile _B _R 54 _NP _C !4 PART TWO !2 29. !4Recitative--Joacim!2: Frost nips the flow'rs _B _R 54 30. !4Air--Joacim!2: On fair Eurphrates' verdant side _B _R 54 31. !4Recitative--Susanna!2: Lead me, oh lead me to some cool retreat _B _R 59 32. !4Air--Susanna!2: Crystal streams in murmurs flowing _B _R 59 33. !4Recitative--Susanna, Attendant!2: Too lovely youth _B _R 63 34. !4Air--Attendant!2 Ask if yon damask rose _B _R 64 35. !4Recitative--Susanna, Attendant!2: In vain you try to cure _B _R 66 36. !4Air--Attendant!2: Beneath the cypress' gloomy shade _B _R 67 37. !4Recitative--Susanna, Attendant!2: Thy plaintive strains _B _R 69 38. !4Recitative--Susanna!2: But hark! what sudden noise? _B _R 70 39. !4Air--First Elder!2: Blooming as the face of spring _B _R 70 40. !4Recitative--Second Elder, Susanna!2: We have long languish'd _B _R 74 41. !4Air--Second Elder!2: The torrent that sweeps in its course _B _R 75 42. !4Recitative--Susanna, Second Elder!2: Deceitful wolves! _B _R 80 43. !4Trio--Susanna, First and Second Elders!2: Away, away, ye tempt me _B _R 81 44. !4Recitative--Susanna, Second Elder!2: Alas! I find the fatal toils _B _R 86 45. !4Recitative--Second, First Elders!2: I caught the fair delinquent _B _R 87 46. !4Air--Susanna!2: If guiltless blood be your intent _B _R 88 47. !4Recitative--First Elder!2: Quick to her fate _B _R 90 48. !4Chorus!2: Let justice reign _B _R 91 49. !4Recitative--Joacim!2: Is fair Susanna false? _B _R 92 50. !4Air--Joacim!2: On the rapid whirlwind's wing _B _R 92 51. !4Chorus!2: Oh Joacim, thy wedded truth _B _R 98 _NP _C !4PART THREE!2 52. !4Chorus!2: The cause is decided _B _R 99 53. !4Recitative--Susanna!2: I hear my doom _B _R 100 54. !4Air-Susanna!2: Faith displays her rosy wing _B _R 100 55. !4Recitative--First Elder!2: Permit me, fair, to mourn thy fate _B _R 103 56. !4Air--First Elder!2: Round thy urn my tears shall flow _B _R 103 57. !4Recitative--Susanna!2: 'Tis thus the crocodile _B _R 106 58. !4Recitative--Susanna!2: But you, who see me on the verge of life _B _R 106 59. !4Recitative--First, Second Elders; Daniel!2: The sentence now is past _B _R 108 60. !4Air--Daniel!2: 'Tis not age's sullen face _B _R 109 61. !4Recitative--Daniel, a Judge!2: Oh wond'rous youth! _B _R 113 62. !4Chorus!2: Impartial heaven _B _R 114 63. !4Recitative--Daniel, 1st, 2nd Elders!2: Thou artful wretch _B _R 115 64. !4Air-Daniel!2: Chastity, thou cherub bright _B _R 119 65. !4Recitative--Susanna!2: But see, my Lord, my Joachim appears _B _R 122 66. !4Air--Joacim!2: Gold within the furnace try'd _B _R 122 67. !4Recitative--Susanna, Chelsias!2: The joyful news _B _R 126 68. !4Air--Chelsias!2: Raise your voice to sounds of joy _B _R 126 69. !4Chorus!2: Bless'd be the day that gave Susanna birth _B _R 131 70. !4Recitative--Susanna!2: Hence ev'ry pang _B _R 132 71. !4Air--Susanna!2: Guilt trembling spoke my doom _B _R 132 72. !4Recitative--Susanna, Joacim!2: Sweet are the accents _B _R 138 73. !4Duet--Joacim, Susanna!2: To my chaste Susanna's praise _B _R 138 74. !4Chorus!2: A virtuous wife shall soften Fortune's frown _B _R 144 _NP