D R A F T _C !1Foreword!2 _S200 This newly edited version of Handel's oratorio !4Susanna!2 has been produced electronically, utilizing facilities developed by Walter B. Hewlett at the Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities in Menlo Park, California. Handel's music has been fed into a computer system, part by part, from his autograph and other early sources. The text, which is anonymous, has been adapted from a recently discovered copy of the 1749 libretto at the University of Texas, Austin. After extensive proofreading and proofhearing, final copy was approved by the conductor, Nicholas McGegan, for the creation of the performing score and parts. This version of the work, in which material not available in other modern editions has been added in Nos. 14, 22, 68, and 71, remains on-line and will become part of the Center's !4Handel Database!2. The editors wish to thank Anthony Hicks for advice concerning the edition and Edmund Correia Jr., Steve Rasmussen, and Frances Bennion for their assistance in preparing and proofreading the electronic copy. _NP