_C August 8, 1989                  
Dear Friend:   
     We enclose herewith a note about this edition of Handel's 
!4Susanna!2, which is based on the 1749 (first) version of the work.     
The production of the score and parts for this work  
has been undertaken as a joint project of Philharmonia   
Baroque Orchestra and the Center for Computer Assisted Research in   
the Humanities.  The Center is engaged in the development of electronic  
versions of major repertories of classical music.  Its work is   
still experimental.  
     Our printing programs are not yet complete; new features and  
capabilities are being added daily.  You will probably encounter 
some things that you wish were different.  Your comments on these  
would be useful in further refining the system.  Queries 
concerning copies or reproduction of the material should be  
directed to Philharmonia.  
     We count it a privilege to  
have had the opportunity to work on this technically ambitious 
project, and 
we wish you well in your performance.  
_T330 Yours sincerely,     
_T330 Eleanor Selfridge-Field