(C) 1992, 2002 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities.
ID: {handel/best/rada/stage2/27/02} [KHM:784347628]
TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:98bf45719509145c3ad02fd603c69b10]
12/01/92 E. Correia
WK#:12b       MV#:27
Chrysander, 2nd Version December 1720 / Terence Best 1992..
0 0 
Group memberships: score 
score: part 2 of 2
$  K:0   Q:1   T:1/1   C:22
Ef3    4-       w f   d        -
measure 2
Ef3    4-       w     d        -
measure 3
Ef3    4        w     d
measure 4
A2     4-       w     u        -
measure 5
A2     2        h     u
Bf2    2-       h f   u        -
measure 6
Bf2    2        h     u
B2     2-       h n   u        -
measure 7
B2     2        h     u
Ef3    2-       h f   d        -
measure 8
Ef3    4-       w     d        -
measure 9
Ef3    4-       w     d        -
measure 10
Ef3    2        h     d
D3     1        q     d
G2     1        q     u