!!!COM: Handel, George Friderick !!!OPR: Semele !!!OTL: Recitative !!!OMV: 68 !!!SCT: HWV 58 !!!SCA: Verzeichnis der Werke Georg Friedrich Händel (B. Baselt) !!!YOR: Arnold Edition !!!EED: Nicholas McGegan, Frances Bennion, Eleanor Selfridge-Field !!!ENC: Frances Bennion !!!CDT: 1685/2/23/-1759/4/14/ !!!OCY: Deutschland; England !!!YEC: Copyright (c) 1994, 2000 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities !!!YEM: Rights to all derivative editions reserved. !!!YEM: Refer to licensing agreement for further details. !!!YEN: United States of America **kern **silbe **kern *I:JUPITER *I:JUPITER *I:Continuo *clefGv2 * *clefF4 *k[] * *k[] *C: * *C: *M4/4 * *M4/4 *tb16 * *tb16 =1- =1- =1- ! ! ! **Bnum:._6 ? 4c\ Speak, 2E\ 8e\ speak . 16c\ your . 16c\ de- . 4A/ -sire, [2F\ 4r . . =2 =2 =2 8c\ say 2F\] 8c\ what . 8B-\ you . 8A/ re- . 4d\ -quire, 2BB-/ 8r . . 8A/ I'll . =3 =3 =3 8F/ grant 4C/ 8F/ it. . 4r . [4FF/ *clefG2 * * ! SEMELE ! ! 4ff\ Swear 2FF/_ 4r . . =4 =4 =4 8dd\ by 2FF/] 8ee\ the . 8ff\ Sty- . 8ee\ -gian . 4cc\ lake. 4GG/ 4r . 4C/ ==|! ==|! ==|! *- *- *- !!!RWG: Key is interpreted using the Humdrum key tool. !!!AFT: stage2 !!!END: 2000/02/13/ !!format changes: !!content changes: !!public access: complete !!!KEY: 2428036646 !!!EMD: Converted from MuseData to Humdrum Dec 16, 2000, by Andreas Kornstaedt using muse2kern.