(C) 1993, 2002 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {cor/chry/trio/op1n10/stage2/01/03} [KHM:1385860357] TIMESTAMP: NOV/27/2005 [md5sum:ac59412792e12146aff89355cac7c7ae] 09/16/93 S. Rasmussen WK#:1,10 MV#:1 Augener/Chrysander Church Sonatas, Op. 1: Sonata X [Movement 1] Violone Group memberships: sound sound: part 3 of 4 & Stage 2 complete & $ K:-1 Q:4 T:1/1 C:22 D:Grave G2 4 q u G3 4 q d Ef3 4 q f d F3 4 q d measure 2 D3 4 q d Ef3 4 q f d C3 4 q u D3 4 q d measure 3 Ef3 8 h f d D3 4 q d Ef3 4 q d measure 4 C3 4 q u D3 4 q d G3 4 q d F3 4 q d measure 5 Ef3 8 h f d D3 8 h d measure 6 Bf2 4 q u Bf3 4 q d A3 8 h d measure 7 G3 4 q d C3 4 q u F3 4 q d G3 4 q d measure 8 Ef3 4 q f d F3 4 q d Bf2 4 q u G3 4- q d - measure 9 G3 4 q d F3 8 h d Ef3 4 q f d measure 10 D3 4 q d G2 4 q u C3 4 q u B2 4 q n u measure 11 C3 8 h u D3 8- h d - measure 12 D3 8 h d G2 8 h u mheavy2 /END @SUPERSEDES: TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:38ca67bf154e6e5e3a1b6548e054ec82] @REASON: major archive update