(C) 1994, 2002 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {bach/bg/chorals/0424/stage2/01/01} [KHM:1292819135] TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:ac36b3a8a86d92b336bfc8919448b56e] 08/08/94 S. Rasmussen WK#:424 MV#:1 Bach Gesellschaft xxxix Four-part Chorales 171. Was bist du doch, o Seele, so betr\u3bet [SOPRANO] 0 86 S Group memberships: score sound score: part 1 of 4 sound: part 1 of 4 & Initial conversion from stage 1 to stage 2 & $ K:0 Q:2 T:1/1 C:4 rest 2 q E5 2 q d Was|dass C5 3 q. d bist|dir B4 1 e d du|der measure 2 A4 2 q u F doch,|Herr E5 2 q d o|ein F5 2 q d See-|Kreuz E5 1 e d [ le,_|zu_ D5 1 e d ] _|_ measure 3 C5 2 q d so|tra- D5 2 q d be-|gen E5 2 q d tr\u3-|gie- E5 2 q d F bet,|bet? mheavy2 4 :| rest 2 q C5 2 q d Was D5 3 q. d gr\a3mst G4 1 e u du measure 5 G4 4 h u F dich rest 2 q D5 2 q d so measure 6 E5 3 q. d \a3ng- C5 1 e d stig- C5 4 h d F lich, measure 7 rest 2 q E5 2 q d als F5 2 q d w\u3r- E5 2 q d dest measure 8 D5 2 q d du C5 2 q d drum B4 3 q. d nicht A4 1 e u von measure 9 G#4 1 e # d [ Gott_ E5 1 e d ] _ D5 1 e d [ ge- C5 1 e d ] - B4 4 h d lie- measure 10 A4 4 h u F bet? mheavy2 /END