!!!COM: Bach, Johann Sebastian !!!OPR: Joh. Seb. Bachs vierstimmige Choralgesänge !!!XEN: Four-part Chorales !!!OTL: 15. An Wasserflüssen Babylon !!!OMV: 1 !!!SCT: BWV 267 !!!SCA: Thematisch-systematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke Johann Sebastian Bach: Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis (Schmieder) !!!YOR: Bach Gesellschaft Edition xxxix !!!EED: Steven Rasmussen !!!ENC: Steven Rasmussen !!!CDT: 1685/3//-1750/7/28/ !!!OCY: Deutschland !!!YEC: Copyright (c) 1994, 2000 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities !!!YEM: Rights to all derivative editions reserved !!!YEM: Refer to licensing agreement for further details !!!YEN: United States of America **kern **silbe **kern **silbe **kern **silbe **kern **silbe *I:[SOPRANO] *I:[SOPRANO] *I:[ALTO] *I:[ALTO] *I:[TENORE] *I:[TENORE] *I:[BASSO] *I:[BASSO] *>[A,A,B] * *>[A,A,B] * *>[A,A,B] * *>[A,A,B] * *>A * *>A * *>A * *>A * *clefG2 * *clefG2 * *clefGv2 * *clefF4 * *k[f#] * *k[f#] * *k[f#] * *k[f#] * *G: * *G: * *G: * *G: * *M4/4 * *M4/4 * *M4/4 * *M4/4 * =0- =0- =0- =0- =0- =0- =0- =0- 4dd\ AnalsEines 4g/ . 4B\ . 4G\ . 2ryy . 2ryy . 2ryy . 2ryy . 4ryy . 4ryy . 4ryy . 4ryy . =1 =1 =1 =1 =1 =1 =1 =1 4ee\ Was-wirL\a3mm-geht 4g/ . 8c\L . 4C/ . . . . . 8B\J . . . 8dd\L -ser-ge--leinund 4f#/ . 4A/ . 4D\ . 8cc\J . . . . . . . 8b\L -fl\u3s--dach-gehtb\u3- 4g/ . 4e\ . 4E\ . 8cc\J . . . . . . . 4dd\ -sen-tenund-sset 4f#/ . 8A/L . 8F#\L . . . . . 8B/J . 8G\J . =2 =2 =2 =2 =2 =2 =2 =2 8cc\L Ba-antr\a3gtin (8e/ . 8c\L . 4A\ . 8b\J . 4g/) . 8e\J . . . 4cc\ -by-Zi-dieGe- . . 4d\ . 4D\ . . . 8f#/ . . . . . 4b;\ -lon-on,Schuld-duld 4g;/ . 4d;\ . 4G;\ . 4a/ dadaderdie 4a/ . 4d\ . 4F#\ . =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 =3 4b\ sa-wein-WeltS\u3n- 4g/ . 4d\ . 8G\L . . . . . . . 8F#\J . 4cc\ -ssen-tenund-den 4g/ . 8G/L . 4E\ . . . . . 8A/J . . . 4dd\ wirwirih-al- 4g/ . 8B/L . 4BB/ . . . . . 8G/J . . . 8cc\L mitvon-rer-ler 4g/ . 4e\ . 4C/ . 8b\J . . . . . . . =4 =4 =4 =4 =4 =4 =4 =4 8a/L Schmer-Her-Kin-S\u3n- 4g/ . 8A/L . 2D\ . 8g/J . . . 8B/J . . . 4a/ . 4f#/ . 4c\ . . . 4g;/ -zen,-zen.-der;-der. 4d;/ . 4B;\ . 4GG;/ . =:|! =:|! =:|! =:|! =:|! =:|! =:|! =:|! *>B * *>B * *>B * *>B * 4g/ WirEs 4d/ . 4B\ . 4G\ . 2ryy . 2ryy . 2ryy . 2ryy . 4ryy . 4ryy . 4ryy . 4ryy . =5 =5 =5 =5 =5 =5 =5 =5 4a/ hin-geht 8d/L . 4A/ . 4F#\ . . . 8e/J . . . . . 4b\ -genda- 4f#/ . 4d\ . 8E\L . . . . . . . 8D\J . 8cc\L auf-hin, 4e/ . 4G/ . 4E\ . 8b\J . . . . . . . 4a/ mitwird 8e/L . 4A/ . 4F#\ . . . 8d/J . . . . . =6 =6 =6 =6 =6 =6 =6 =6 4b\ schwe-matt 4d/ . 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