(C) 1998, 2002 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {bach/bg/cant/0139/stage2/06/old02} [KHM:3554819442] TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:9a01e5907824d90eb66508c385e7f430] 06/27/98 Fran Bennion WK#:139 MV#:6 Bach Gesellschaft xxviii Cantata No. 139, "Wohl dem, der sich auf seinen Gott." Vers 5. CHORAL.(Melodie:"Mach's mit mir, Gott, deiner G\u3t'.") Oboe d'amore I. II. 0 0 Group memberships: oldsnd oldsnd: part 1 of 5 & This file is untransposed as in BG and is at the pitch it will sound. "03" is transposed up a minor 3rd for the convenience of modern oboe d'amore players. & $ K:4 Q:2 T:1/1 C:4 E4 1 e u [ F#4 1 e u ] measure 1 G#4 2 q u A4 2 q u B4 2 q d B4 2 q d measure 2 A4 2 q u G#4 2 q u F#4 2 q u F B4 2 q d measure 3 C#5 2 q d D#5 2 q d E5 2 q d D#5 1 e d [ C#5 1 e d ] measure 4 C#5 4 h d B4 2 q d mheavy2 :| B4 2 q d measure 5 E5 2 q d D#5 2 q d C#5 2 q d B4 2 q d measure 6 A4 2 q u G#4 2 q u F#4 2 q u F B4 2 q d measure 7 A4 2 q u G#4 2 q u F#4 1 e u [ G#4 1 e u ] A4 2 q u measure 8 G#4 2 q u F#4 2 q u E4 2 q u F mheavy2 /END