(C) 1994, 2002 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {bach/bg/cant/0043/stage2/11/04} [KHM:663154238] TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:fb1938909b047c884fc1cedc2d02ca2f] 01/24/94 S. Rasmussen WK#:43 MV#:11 Bach Gesellschaft x Gott f\a3hret auf mit Jauchzen 11. Choral Soprano 1 74 S Group memberships: parts sound parts: part 4 of 8 sound: part 4 of 8 $ K:1 Q:2 T:3/4 C:4 G4 2 q u Du|gen|Zieh'|Hilf, G4 2 q u Le-|Him-|uns|dass A4 2 q u bens-|mel,|dir|wir measure 2 B4 3 q. d ( f\u3rst,_|da_|nach,_|flie- C5 1 e d _|_|_|- D5 2 q d ) _|_|_|- measure 3 D5 2 q d Herr|dein|so|hen D5 2 q d Je-|Va-|lau-|weit C#5 2 q # d su|ter|fen|von measure 4 D5 4 h d F Christ,|ist|wir,|hier B4 2 q d der|und|gib|auf measure 5 C5 4 h d du|die|uns|I- B4 2 q d bist|Ge-|des|sra- measure 6 A4 6 h. u auf-|mein'|Glau-|e- measure 7 G4 2 q u ge-|der|bens|lis F#4 4 h u nom-|From-|Fl\u3-|H\u3- measure 8 G4 6 h. u men|men:|gel!|gel. mheavy2 9 :| A4 2 q u wie|Mein A4 2 q u soll|Gott! B4 2 q d ich|wann measure 10 C5 4 h d dei-|fahr' C5 2 q d nen|ich measure 11 B4 3 q. d ( gro-|doch_ A4 1 e u ) -|_ B4 2 q d ssen|da- measure 12 A4 6 h. u F Sieg,|hin, measure 13 B4 2 q d den|wo- B4 2 q d du|selbst B4 2 q d durch|ich measure 14 C5 3 q. d ( ei-|e- D5 1 e d -|- E5 2 q d ) -|- measure 15 E5 2 q d nen|wig D#5 2 q # d schwe-|fr\o3h- D#5 2 q d ren|lich measure 16 E5 4 h d F Krieg|bin? F#5 2 q d er-|wann measure 17 G5 4 h d wor-|werd' B4 2 q d ben|ich measure 18 C5 4 h d hast,|vor B4 2 q d recht|dir measure 19 A4 2 q u prei-|ste- A4 2 q u F sen,|hen, D5 2 q n d + und|dein measure 20 E5 3 q. d dir|An- D5 1 e d g'nug|ge- C5 2 q d Ehr'|sicht measure 21 B4 2 q d er-|zu A4 4 h u wei-|se- measure 22 G4 6 h. u sen?|hen? mheavy2 /END