(C) 1991, 2002 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {han/hicks/ott/stage2/37b/s01} [KHM:3041906313] TIMESTAMP: NOV/27/2005 [md5sum:0b6907d5927ffa948d5d49a334850b40] 10/29/91 E. Correia WK#:15 MV#:37b Hicks 1991 + microfilm Ottone Recitativo GISMONDA 1 20 S Group memberships: score sound short score: part 1 of 2 sound: part 1 of 2 short: part 1 of 2 & Tranfer from old stage2 to new stage2 & $ K:0 Q:4 T:1/1 C:4 B4 4 q d Ah! rest 2 e F#4 2 e u Ma- A4 2 e u til- A4 2 e u da, rest 2 e B4 2 e d Ma- measure 2 G#4 2 e u til- G#4 2 e u da, rest 4 q G#4 4 q u ben- G#4 2 e u ch\8e A4 2 e u lo\0+as- measure 3 B4 2 e d con- B4 2 e d da rest 2 e B4 2 e d an- B4 2 e d ch'io B4 2 e d ben C#5 2 e d pro- G#4 2 e u vo\0+in measure 4 A4 2 e u pet- A4 2 e u to rest 2 e A#4 1 s u d'u- C#5 1 s d na A#4 4 q u ma- G#4 2 e u dre F#4 2 e u pie- measure 5 B4 2 e d to- B4 2 e d sa rest 4 q rest 2 e G#4 2 e u il A#4 2 e u pu- B4 2 e d re\0+af- measure 6 F#4 2 e u fet- F#4 2 e u to. rest 4 q rest 8 h mheavy2 /END @SUPERSEDES: TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:999b88ec1a4a78a9682896dad94b03dd] @REASON: major archive update