VJ-1    = vertically justify proportionally to 2800 
VJ-2    = vertically justify proportionally to 2800; with x2 space between systems
VJ-3    = vertically justify proportionally to 2800; use only inter-system space
VJ-4(#,#,etc. ) = vertically justify to 2800; use only space below designated lines in system
VJ-5(#,#,etc. ) = vertically justify to 2800; use only space below designated lines on page  
  For VJ-4 and VJ-5, if a system or line is designated with a plus sign, it means "add space"
  below this line.  The amount of space (in 10ths of interline distance) is given in 
  square parentheses.  
VEX-# = vertically expand by adding specified distance (10ths of interline) between all lines
MTX(#[x],#[x],etc.)   = move text lines for these line numbers, amount in square parentheses
                          is expressed in 10ths of interline distance.  A positive number
                          moves the text line down.  
MFG(#[x],#[x],etc.)   = move figured harmony for these line numbers, amount in square
                          parentheses is expressed in 10ths of interline distance.  A
                          positive number moves the text line down.  

source lib = p:\atalan\outputs\score18\pages 
destin lib = p:\atalan\edition\score18 
blank page = X 46 575 120 This page is blank 
page id header = X 37 836 2950 
page id format = Handel Atalanta Full Score - ~page      (c) by CCARH 2005 
Z MPG-global 
Z 1 G.F. Handel 
Z 2 Atalanta 
Z 3             
Z 4 Full Score 
Z 5 300 dots/inch
Z 6 14 dots per staff line
Z 7  

Page    Source          Instructions 
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002     001\02 
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004     002\02 
005     002\03 
006     002\04 
007     002\05 
008     002\06 
009     002\07 
010     002\08 
011     002\09 
012     003\01 
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014     003\03 
015     003\04 
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033     106\04 
034     107\01 
035     108\01 
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037     108\03 
038     108\04 
039     109\01 
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043     110\04 
044     110\05 
045     111\01 
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086     203\03 
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099     206\02 
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115     211\06 
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130     blank 
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