(C) 1996 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {bach/bg/vocal/0245/stage2/36/03} TIMESTAMP: NOV/23/2005 [md5sum:26e8f2e0d8330bd76c57032f328fe9ee] 01/19/96 S. Rasmussen WK#:245 MV#:36 Bach Gesellschaft xii/1 Saint John's Passion Arioso Oboe da caccia 1 1 80 Group memberships: sound score sound: part 3 of 9 score: part 3 of 9 & Initial conversion from stage 1 to stage 2 & $ K:1 Q:2 T:1/1 C:4 B4 8- w d -p P C33:Y58 measure 2 B4 8- w d - measure 3 B4 4 h d C5 4- h d - measure 4 C5 8 w d measure 5 B4 4 h d E4 4- h u - measure 6 E4 4 h u Bf4 4- h f u - measure 7 Bf4 2 q u A4 2 q u E4 4 h u measure 8 $ D:Adagio A3 2 q u rest 2 q rest 2 q F4 2 q n u measure 9 F4 1 e n u [ ( G4 1 e u ] ) rest 2 q rest 4 h mheavy2 /END