(C) 1995 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {bach/bg/vocal/0245/stage2/18/04} TIMESTAMP: NOV/23/2005 [md5sum:c9adafc0da55e7f8fcfe6f2d6967bc60] 09/28/95 S. Rasmussen WK#:245 MV#:18 Bach Gesellschaft xii/1 Saint John's Passion Choral SOPRANO 0 74 S Group memberships: sound score sound: part 4 of 8 score: part 4 of 8 & Initial conversion from stage 1 to stage 2 & $ K:0 Q:4 T:1/1 C:4 A4 4 q u Ach,|Ich measure 1 A4 4 q u gro-|kann's A4 4 q u \0/er|mit G#4 4 q # u K\o3-|mei- E4 4 q u nig,|nen measure 2 A4 4 q u gro\0/|Sin- B4 4 q d zu|nen C5 4 q d al-|nicht C5 4 q d len|er- measure 3 D5 4 q d ( Zei-|rei- C5 1 s d [[ -|- B4 1 s d =] -|- C5 2 e d ] ) -|- B4 4 q d F ten,|chen, B4 4 q d wie|wo- measure 4 C5 4 q d kann|mit D5 2 e d [ ( ich_|doch_ E5 1 s d =[ _|_ F5 1 s d ]] ) _|_ E5 4 q d g'nug-|dein C5 4 q d sam|Er- measure 5 F5 4 q d die-|bar- F5 4 q d se|men E5 2 e d [ ( Treu'_|zu_ D5 2 e d ] ) _|_ C5 2 e d [ ( aus-|ver- D5 2 e d ] ) -|- measure 6 D5 8 h d brei-|glei- C5 4 q d F ten?|chen. C5 4 q d Kein's|Wie measure 7 B4 4 q d Men-|kann A4 4 q u schen|ich G4 2 e u [ Her-|dir_ F#4 2 e # u ] -|_ E4 2 e u [ ze_|denn_ F#4 2 e u ] _|_ measure 8 G4 4 q u mag|dei- G4 4 q u in-|ne A4 4 q u dess|Lie- G4 4 q u aus-|bes- measure 9 F4 8 h n u + den-|ta- E4 4 q u F ken,|ten E5 4 q d was|im measure 10 D5 4 q d dir|Werk C5 2 e d [ zu_|er- B4 2 e d ] _|- B4 8 h d schen-|stat- measure 11 A4 12 h. u F ken.|ten? mheavy2 :| /END