(C) 1995 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {bach/bg/vocal/0245/stage2/11/07} TIMESTAMP: NOV/23/2005 [md5sum:e28f8491ca117cb7fa5ec9da4829e764] 08/15/95 S. Rasmussen WK#:245 MV#:11 Bach Gesellschaft xii/1 Saint John's Passion Chorale BASSO 1 74 B Group memberships: sound score sound: part 7 of 8 score: part 7 of 8 & Initial conversion from stage 1 to stage 2 & $ K:3 Q:2 T:1/1 C:22 A3 2 q d Wer|Ich, measure 1 D4 2 q d hat|ich C#4 1 e d [ dich_|und_ B3 1 e d ] _|_ A3 3 q. d so|mei- G3 1 e n d ge-|ne measure 2 F#3 4 h d schla-|S\u3n- E#3 2 q # d F gen,|den, F#3 2 q d mein|die measure 3 C#3 1 e u [ Heil,_|sich_ B2 1 e u ] _|_ C#3 1 e u [ und_|wie_ D3 1 e u ] _|_ E3 2 q d dich|K\o3rn- A2 2 q u mit|lein measure 4 B2 2 q u ( Pla-|fin- B#2 2 q # u ) -|- C#3 2 q u F gen|den D3 2 q n u + so|des measure 5 C#3 2 q u \u3-|San- B2 2 q u bel|des A2 2 q u zu-|an D3 2 q u ge-|dem measure 6 E3 6 h. d F richt't?|Meer, E#3 2 q # d Du|die measure 7 F#3 2 q d bist|ha- G#3 2 q d ja|ben A3 2 q d nicht|dir A#3 2 q # d ein|er- measure 8 B3 4 h d S\u3n-|re- F#3 2 q d F der,|get F#3 2 q d wie|das measure 9 C#3 1 e u [ wir_|E- B2 1 e u ] _|- C#3 2 q u und|lend, D#3 2 q # d un-|das E3 2 q d sre|dich measure 10 E3 2 q d ( Kin-|schl\a3- D#3 2 q # d ) -|- E3 2 q d F der,|get, C#3 2 q u von|und measure 11 F#3 1 e d [ Mis-|das_ E3 1 e d ] -|_ F#3 1 e d [ se-|be- G#3 1 e d ] -|- A3 2 q d ta-|tr\u3b- C#3 1 e u [ ten_|te_ D3 1 e u ] _|_ measure 12 E3 2 q d wei\0/t|Mar- E3 2 q d du|ter- A2 2 q u F nicht.|heer. mheavy2 :| /END