(C) 1998, 2002 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {bach/bg/cant/0153/stage2/09/sx03} [KHM:1947907160] TIMESTAMP: NOV/23/2005 [md5sum:69e50b87fdf9e99da28aceffd01c691a] 03/19/98 Fran Bennion WK#:153 MV#:9 Bach Gesellschaft xxxii Schau', lieber Gott, wie meine Feind'. CHORAL. Tenore., Viola col Tenore. 1 74 T Group memberships: xscore xscore: part 3 of 5 $ K:0 Q:2 T:3/4 C:34 G3 2 q u III._Er- C4 2 q d halt' E4 2 q d mein measure 2 C4 2 q d ( Herz_ D4 2 q d ) _ E4 2 q d im measure 3 D4 4 h d Glau- D4 2 q d ben measure 4 D4 6 h. d F rein, measure 5 D4 2 q d so D4 2 q d leb' E4 2 q d und measure 6 D4 4 h d sterb' E4 2 q d ich measure 7 D4 2 q d dir D4 3 q. d ( al- C4 1 e d ) - measure 8 B3 6 h. d F lein; measure 9 C4 2 q d Je- B3 2 q d su, E4 2 q d mein measure 10 E4 2 q d ( Trost,_ F4 2 q d ) _ G4 2 q d h\o3r' measure 11 F4 2 q d ( mein_ G4 2 q d ) _ C4 2 q d Be measure 12 B3 6 h. d F gier, measure 13 C4 2 q d o F3 2 q u mein G3 2 q u Hei- measure 14 A3 2 q u ( land,_ B3 2 q d ) _ C4 2 q d w\a3r' measure 15 D4 2 q d ich D4 4 h d bei measure 16 E4 6 h. d F dir! mheavy2 :| /END @SUPERSEDES: TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:c46a905400342914d2f90a9b1033fbac] @REASON: major archive update