(C) 1998, 2002 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {bach/bg/cant/0122/stage2/06/s01} [KHM:2907495620] TIMESTAMP: NOV/23/2005 [md5sum:1697f42bef9d327dfa910c09c14e481e] 07/08/98 Fran Bennion WK#:122 MV#:6 Bach Gesellschaft xxvi Das neugebor'ne Kindelein. Choral Soprano, Oboe 1, Violino 1 0 0 S Group memberships: score score: part 1 of 5 $ K:-2 Q:2 T:3/4 C:4 G4 2 q u Es G4 2 q u bringt G4 2 q u das measure 2 D5 3 q. d ( rech- C5 1 e d - Bf4 2 q d ) - measure 3 D5 2 q d te C5 2 q d Ju- Bf4 2 q d bel- measure 4 A4 6 h. u F jahr, measure 5 D5 2 q d was D5 2 q d trau- E5 2 q n d ern measure 6 F5 4 h d wir E5 2 q n d denn measure 7 D5 2 q d im- C#5 4 h # d mer- measure 8 D5 6 h. d F dar? measure 9 D5 2 q d Frisch C5 2 q d auf! A4 2 q u itzt measure 10 Bf4 3 q. d ( ist_ C5 1 e d _ D5 2 q d ) _ measure 11 C5 2 q d es Bf4 2 q d Sin- A4 2 q u gens- measure 12 Bf4 6 h. d F zeit, measure 13 F5 2 q d das G5 2 q d Je- F5 2 q d su- measure 14 D5 3 q. d ( lein_ C5 1 e d _ Bf4 2 q d ) _ measure 15 A4 2 q u wend't G4 2 q u al- F#4 2 q # u les measure 16 G4 6 h. u F Leid. mheavy2 /END @SUPERSEDES: TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:f7e1c1072cb4a067407931452442263d] @REASON: major archive update