(C) 1994, 2002 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {bach/bg/cant/0045/stage2/06/02} [KHM:1639523795] TIMESTAMP: NOV/23/2005 [md5sum:16a0d7bcf6f4d20196e68ee0f0d9e561] 02/15/94 S. Rasmussen WK#:45 MV#:6 Bach Gesellschaft x Es ist dir gesagt, Mensch, was gut ist 6. Recitativo Continuo 1 78 Group memberships: data score sound data: part 2 of 2 score: part 2 of 2 sound: part 2 of 2 & Initial conversion from stage 1 to stage 2 & $ K:4 Q:1 T:1/1 C:22 D#3 4- w d - measure 2 D#3 2 h d E3 2- h d - measure 3 E3 2 h d E#3 2- h # d - measure 4 E#3 2 h d F#3 2- h d - measure 5 F#3 4 w d measure 6 B#2 4 w # u measure 7 f1 &0 6 E3 1 q d f1 &0 6x A2 1 q u f3 &0 8 5 # G#2 2- h u - measure 8 f3 2 &0 - - n f3 &0 8 5f - G#2 4 w u measure 9 f2 &0 6 5 E#3 2 h # d E3 2 h n d measure 10 D#3 4 w d measure 11 G#2 4- w u - measure 12 G#2 1 q u A2 1 q u rest 1 q B2 1 q u measure 13 E2 4 w u F mheavy2 /END @SUPERSEDES: TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:bad3d4ea9610ade2f159f78de4915dd6] @REASON: major archive update