(C) 1999, 2002 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {bach/bg/cant/0020/stage2/07/01} [KHM:1570861125] TIMESTAMP: NOV/23/2005 [md5sum:c3584233a6fd382694986b2475318b68] 02/16/99 E. Correia WK#:20 MV#:7 Bach Gesellschaft ii \0"O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort" Choral Soprano, Tromba da tirarsi, Oboe 1, 2; Violino 1 1 74 S Group memberships: score parts score: part 1 of 5 parts: part 4 of 8 $ K:-1 Q:2 T:1/1 C:4 F4 1 e u [ So_|Es_ G4 1 e u ] _|_ measure 1 A4 2 q u lang|wird Bf4 2 q d ein|sie C5 2 q d Gott|pla- C5 2 q d im|gen measure 2 D5 2 q d Him-|K\a3lt' E5 2 q d mel|und F5 2 q d F lebt|Hitz', F4 1 e u [ und_|Angst, G4 1 e u ] _|_ measure 3 A4 2 q u \u3-|Hun- Bf4 2 q d ber|ger, C5 2 q d al-|Schre- C5 2 q d le|cken, measure 4 Bf4 2 q d Wol-|Feu'r A4 2 q u ken|und G4 2 q u F schwebt,|Blitz A4 2 q u wird|und measure 5 F4 2 q u sol-|sie F4 2 q u che|doch Bf4 2 q d Mar-|nicht A4 2 q u ter|ver- measure 6 G4 4 h u w\a3h-|zeh- F4 2 q u F ren:|ren. mheavy2 :| C5 2 q d Denn measure 7 G4 2 q u wird A4 2 q u sich Bf4 2 q d en- Bf4 2 q d den measure 8 A4 2 q u die- A4 2 q u se G4 2 q u F Pein, C5 2 q d wenn measure 9 D5 2 q d Gott E5 2 q d nicht F5 2 q d mehr A4 2 q u wird measure 10 G4 2 q u e- G4 2 q u wig F4 2 q u F sein. mheavy2 /END @SUPERSEDES: TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:4f7776ad44bc03dc304e90223b72f404] @REASON: major archive update