(C) 1995 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {cor/chry/trio/op2n10/stage2/04/mchan2} [KHM:128317665] TIMESTAMP: NOV/27/2005 [md5sum:240f66583404023e01972f5aa510e91e] 01/09/95 W. Hewlett WK#:2,10 MV#:4 Augener/Chrysander Chamber Sonatas, Op. 2: Sonata X. Corrente. Midi assignment Group memberships: midi midi: part 1 of 4 & Comments here & part 1 = channel 1 Violino 1 part 2 = channel 2 Violino 2 part 3 = channel 3 Violone part 4 = channel 4 Organo channel 1: instrument = 42, 42 +10 channel 2: instrument = 42, 42 +10 channel 3: instrument = 43, 43 -20 channel 4: instrument = 7, 7 -20 2 restrike factor 164 quarter notes per minute /END