Feb. 8, 2006 Walter - Several weeks ago I wrote you a note regarding a problem I had running three score files from the first movement of Brahms Sym. No. 1 in my "ss2ed"program. By eliminating the line just below the "$" record I was able to get them to run. The problem lines were: P C0:p80z31Cl. P C0:p80z31H\o3r(C) P C0:p80z31Tr(C) and now I am having the same problem with the Clarinet files in the 1st movement of Beethoven's 9th Symphony. The Clarinet file operates well if I just eliminate the C in that line. In your files that line is: P C0:p80z31Cl. and a direct copy of it gives me the error - Run-time error: maximum length of string variable: temp5 has been exceeded at line = 4331 attempted length = 11, maximum length = 10 4331 temp5 = temp5 // line{sub} I can't understand how the letter C can corrupt my "ss2ed" program but I thought I should update my previous note with my recent experience. It turns out that "C" doesn't appear in that line in any of the files that work in my "ss2ed". Fran OTHER PROBLEMS IN BRAHM'S SYM. No.1, Movement 1 1) Error message when trying to use "mskpage" on Aug.4th'06 transferring Run-time error: array subscript 1 of integer variable: recflag is out of bounds at line = 2361 subscript = 100001, upper limit = 100000 2361 recflag(k) = current_recf /* New &dA01/06/04&d@ every record is now flagged 2) Can't slur over a repeated note (Violas m.131-41 & 404-17). Got a message RUN-TIME ERROR in "ss2ed". "array subscript 1 of integer variable:mf is out of bounds at line = 5882 subscript = 310 upper limit= 256. If I use P26:a I get a slur error - can't start an existing slur. Movement 2 1) Meas 47 - Vc. & Basso - Problem with using "optional forward offset" with more than one wedge on a single note in a measure. 2) Meas 60 - Vc. & Basso - Problem with displaying wedge at end of a measure in "ss2ed". (It gets bumped to the next measure.) 3) Meas 92 - Vn2 & Meas 94 - Vn.1 - Couldn't force staccato dot. below note head. If there wasn't a slur it automatically goes there, but it wouldn't respond to print suggestions (C33:b, C33:Y64, or C33:y64). 4) Meas 98 - Horns - Ending of wedges are incorrectly displayed in "ss2ed" - 1st Horn's wedge ends where the 2nd Horn's should and visa versa. 5) Meas 105 & 107 - Flutes - Wedges don't end as expected from stage2 data. Flute 1 is displayed ending on the 3rd quarter note (as in Fl.2) and Flute 2 ends a 16th note before the end of the measure (as in Fl. 1). measure 105 * E 15 P C17:Y-88 G#6 12 1 q u ( F#6 6 1 e u [ E6 6 1 e u = D#6 9 1 e. u = * F 0 C#6 3 1 s u ]\ ) back 36 * E 15 P C17:Y65 E6 12 1 q d [ C#6 12 1 q d * F 0 A5 12 1 q d ] measure 106 Movement 3 1) Meas.19 - Clarinets - Staccato dots on the last of the triplets couldn't be moved with print suggestions. Meas. 120-21 - Cl. - Print command doesn't work to raise "3". Meas. 123 - Cl. - Print command doesn't work to lower "3". 2) Meas.69-71 - Vn.1 (& Vn.2) - Slur from Bf4-Ef4 (Bf5-Ef5) caused a run-time error in "ss2ed" and later will need to be replaced. 3) Meas. 124 - Cl. - "3"s didn't display in "ss2ed" until I moved the "*" & "!" before "back" & then I couldn't force the "3"s to print under the notes. 4) Meas. 154-156 - Vn2. - The flat on the G5 needs to be moved over on the lower double stops in the Vn2. part. In this section with the Second Violins being divided and each having double stops, the upper ones were moved to the right of the lower ones to match B & H.