NOTES on Vivaldi Opus 2 - Violin Sonatas I - XII for Violino e Basso per il Cembalo from the copy belonging to the Library of Congress Estienne Roger Marchand Libraire, Amsterdam [facsimile] from scanned material done by Don Anthony in July & August 2004 transferred to CCARH stage2 format by Fran Bennion & into files md\vivaldi\roger\viol_son\op02no01 - op02no12 The notes, their values, stem directions, rests, beamings, and fermatas were scanned with a high degree of accuracy. Accidentals, especially in ( ), were not always scanned accurately - sharps often scanned as naturals, naturals as sharps, and fermatas occasionally missed altogether. "&0" was entered in col.13-14 of note records indicating editorial material from the source, in this edition often a cautionary accidental. "&1" = a CCARH editorial. On the next line "@1" + an explanation of the problem. . Dynamics were scanned as Musical Directions with "*" in col.1, "G" in column 17, & the dynamic in column 25. Vertical placement was adjusted in "ss2ed". Roger also had many fewer dynamic markings and slurs than the scanned edition. The scanner picked up the Print suggestions "P C32:o" or "u" for each one. Roger had more cautionary accidentals than the scan, except for the 2nd note in an octave jump when Roger didn't restate the accidental. The facsimile had a light double bar between movements, but in movements where there are repeats (i.e. all movements of No. 1) their repeat signs are like our heavy double bars. At the end of movements where the second part was to be repeated there was a heavy ":|:" and there was also a light double bar to end the movement. I just entered our usual light-heavy double bar to end movements. Repeat signs in the middle of movements were not accurately scanned and when a ":|:" appeared near the end of a measure, i.e. just before the last 8th, an extra measure of an 8th note was created (i.e. No. 1, Mvt. 1-3). Pick up measures were scanned as measure 1 so the measure numbers also had to be changed for that reason. Repeat signs at the end of a line in Ricordi were scanned as "mheavy2 :|". There would then be a measure of music and a "mheavy3 |:" appeared. (See No.1, Mv.4) The headings (rows 4-9) were redone and notes (i.e. the fact that Op.2 No.1 was in g minor but was notated in one flat) were added. Tempo markings had to be added (i.e. D:Allegro). An "S" appeared at the beginning of line 13 just below the "$" in most files and was removed. The "/" through the figure "7" actually looks like a flat and acts like one. The "\" through the figure "6" is more normal and acts like a +. A "\" in conjunction with a 5 or a 9 didn't didn't print so I used "5+". SONATA IX in e minor, RV 16 Movement 1 - Preludio, Andante (3/4) Meas. 8 - Bc. - First note scanned as C3. Roger had A2. Meas.12 & 70 - Bc. - The B2s were scanned with a down stem. This is easy to fix but I've observed this before in the scanned material but haven't noted it until now. Meas.13 - Violino - First note scanned as F#5. Roger had F5. (In the Bc. there is a 6b on an A4.) Meas.20 - Violino - No natural on the last note in Roger. Natural understood because of harmony change. Scan was OK. Meas.23 & 25 - Violino - Scan missed trills on the 1st note. Meas.61 - Bc. - Roger had G#3 but I feel it should be G3, like the passages in meas. 59, 68, & 69 where they are B minor not B major scales. Scan had a G3. Meas.67 - Violino - No # on C4 in Roger. Scales in B need C#s. Note almost identical scales in m.58 & 60 (Violino) and m.68 & 69 (Bc.) in Roger which have C#s. Movement 2 - Cappriccio, Allegro (C) Meas. 2 - Bc. - 13th note scanned as G3. F#3 in Roger. Note meas. 3 in the Violino part. Meas. 8 - Bc. - 11th note B2 in scan. F#3 in Roger. Note m.9. Meas.15 - Bc. - Natural missing on F3 in Roger. Understood, because of a harmonic change, 5f on a B2 end of m.14 leading to C major. F3 in scan. Meas.18 - Violino - Roger has naturals on the F5s but not on the F4. Old notation. Also "6b" on an A3 in the Bc here. Meas.22 - Violino - Natural missing in Roger on the D5s in the last beat. There is a modulation going on and the D# reverts to the key signature at the end of the measure. Meas.25 - Violino - First note scanned as G5. Roger has E5 which fits the established pattern (see m.3, 10...). Meas.28 - Bc. - 8th note scanned as F#4. Roger has D4 which fits into the established pattern (see m.2, 16, 19, 24...). Movement 3 - Giga, Allegro (12/8) Many B2s in this movement were scanned with down stems. Meas.17 - Violino - No naturals in Roger on the last A5 & G5 in this measure but they are understood. The "6" on the D3 in the Bc. signals the modulation back to b minor at the end of the measure. Scan had A5 & G5. Meas.20 - Violino - The scan missed the # on the D5. In the figured bass there is a "x" on a B3. Meas.38 - Violino - No natural in Roger on the last D5 in the measure. Harmony changes mid measure. Scan has D natural. Meas.43 - Violino - Roger changes harmony in this measure to include G#s. G#s don't appear in the scan until Meas.44. Movement 4 - Gavotta, Presto (Cut time)