NOTES on Vivaldi Opus 1 - Trio Sonatas I - XII Estienne Roger Marchand Libraire No. 363, Amsterdam [facsimile] from scanned material done by Don Anthony in June & July 2004 transferred to CCARH stage2 format by Fran Bennion & into files md\vivaldi\roger\trio_son\op01no01 - op01no12 The notes, their values, stem directions, rests, beamings, and the fermatas were scanned with a high degree of accuracy. The accidentals were not always scanned accurately, sharps often being scanned as naturals (i.e. No. 1, Mvt. 2). Fermata placement often needed to be adjusted with print suggestions. Dynamics were scanned as Musical Directions with "*" in col.1, "G" in column 17, & the dynamic in column 25. Vertical placement was adjusted in "ss2ed". When viewed in the score, the horizontal placement did not always make the best sense. Roger also had many fewer dynamic markings than the scanned edition. There were many more slurs in the scanned edition than in the facsimile. The scanner picked up the Print suggestions "P C32:o" or "u" for each one. Roger had more cautionary accidentals than the scanned edition, except for the 2nd note in an octave jump when Roger didn't restate the accidental (No.1, Mvt.4, m.17). The headings (rows 4-9) were redone and notes (i.e. the fact that Op.1 No.1 was in g minor but was notated in one flat) were added. Tempo markings had to be added (i.e. D:Allegro). An "S" appeared at the beginning of line 13 just below the "$" in most files and was removed. The facsimile had a light double bar between movements, but in movements where there are repeats (i.e. No. 1, Mvts. 2, 4, & 5) their repeat signs are like our heavy double bars. At the end of movements where the second part was to be repeated there was a heavy ":|:" and there was also a light double bar to end the movement. I just entered our usual light-heavy double bar to end movements. Repeat signs in the middle of movements were not accurately scanned and when a ":|:" appeared near the end of a measure, i.e. just before the last 8th, an extra measure of an 8th note was created (i.e. No. 1, Mvt. 2). When there was a pick up measure it was scanned as measure 1, so the measure numbers had to be changed for that movement. The "/" through the figure "7" actually looks like a flat and acts like one (i.e. No. 1, Mvt. 1, meas.3 & Mvt.4, meas.9). The "\" through the figure "6" is more normal and acts like a + (i.e. No. 1, Mvt.3, meas.2). A "\" in conjunction with a 5 or a 9 didn't print so I used "5+" (No. 2, Mvt. 1, measure 5 amd Mvts. 2-4) and "9+" (No. 2, Mvt. 1, measure 6). SONATA IV in E Major, RV 66 Movement 1 - Largo (In common time C, m.1-7) Meas. 1 - Violoncello & Basso continuo - An "f" was scanned but there were no dynamics in this movement in Roger. Meas. 6 - Violino 1 - Scan missed the # on the A#5. Meas. 7 - Violoncello - No fermata scanned on last note. Fermatas in all other parts and in all parts of Roger. Movement 2 - Allegro (3/4, m.1-34), Adagio (3/2, 35-41) The scanned material included the Largo, Allegro, & Adagio in Movement 1. In Roger there was a light double bar between the Largo and the Allegro and I continued the practice of using that as a sign to create a new movement. There was only a regular bar line at the end of the Allegro so I included the seven measure Adagio which followed in Movement 2. Meas. 1 - Violino 1 & Vc. had "p" and V.2 & Bc. had ""pp" in the scanned version. No dynamics here in the Roger ed. Meas. 6 & 8 - Violino 2 - Slur scanned from 4th to 5th 8th notes. Roger had the slur from the 3rd to the 5th eights. Meas. 10 - Violino 2 - First two notes scanned as quarters. Roger had a dotted quarter and an 8th. Meas. 35 - All parts - An "f" was scanned at the beginning of this measure. In Roger the "f" was on the last quarter of meas. 34. Movement 3 - Allelmanda, Allegro (C) Meas. 10 - All parts - Scanned as "mheavy2". Should be "mheavy4". Meas. 11 - Violino 1 - The scan missed a # on the A#4. In the figured bass there was an "x" on an F#3 here. Meas. 18 - Basso continuo - This was a measure of eight 8th notes but the scanned version added "back 16", "irest 6", and "rest 2" (an 8th rest) records after the eight 8th notes! Movement 4 - Sarabanda, Largo (3/4) Meas. 5 - Violino 1 - First two 8ths scanned as a quarter Scan possibly tricked by an editorial slur over two 8ths. (Note: Sonata I, Mvt. 1, m.8, Vc.) Meas. 5 - Violino 2 - The scan missed a # on the A#4. In the figured bass there was an "x" on an F#3 here. Meas. 9 - All parts - Scanned as "mheavy2 9". Should be "mheavy4 9". Movement 5 - Giga, Allegro (12/8) In Roger the repeat sign at the end of meas. 10 was just before the last 8th and an 8th i-rest was added at the end. Then "mheavy2 11" and the 8th pickup appeared as a separate measure necessitating renumbering the measures, eliminating the i-rest, and changing the "mheavy2" to "mheavy4". This time the measure numbers were missing for the first 10 measures of the scan. (Don't know what Don had to do to accomplish this but it didn't make much difference in the time it took to make my corrections.) An added complication here is that in the last half of the measures before repeat signs in the Roger edition there were a half note with a quarter rest (mid-movement) or a dotted half note (at the end of the movement). When you count in the 8th note pickup this would result in confusing any playback program, so I shortened these last notes in the file by an 8th but made the score printout reflect what was in the Roger facsimile. Notes to this effect were made in the files for each part. Perhaps a 1st & 2nd ending should be added here to more closely relate to modern notation. (See No.5, Mvt.4) Meas. 16 - Violoncello - The dotted quarter at the start of the measure was scanned as a quarter note & the extra 8th was added to the rest near the end of the measure. Meas. 20 - Violoncello - The last half of the measure was scanned ad a dotted 8th and an dotted half note i-rest. It was a dotted half note in Roger.