(Old) NOTES on Vivaldi Opus 4 - Violin Concertos I - XII for Violino di Concertino, Vn.1 & 2, Viola, & Basso continuo. The facsimile of Vivaldi's La Stravaganza Op.4 has five part-books: Violino di Concertino, Violino Prima, Violino Seconda, Alto Viola, and Organo e Violoncello (with figures above the notes). This facsimile is based on the copy of the publication done by Chez Estienne Roger Marchand Libraire, Amsterdam, No.399, which belongs to the Royal Academy of Music, London. (Sep. 14, 2010) The notes, their values, stem directions, rests, beamings, and fermatas were scanned with a high degree of accuracy. Accidentals, especially in ( ), were not always scanned accurately - sharps often scanned as naturals, naturals as sharps, and fermatas occasionally missed altogether. "&0" was entered in col.13-14 of note records indicating editorial material from the source, in this edition often a cautionary accidental. "&1" = a CCARH editorial. On the next line "@1" + an explanation of the problem. Dynamics were scanned as Musical Directions with "*" in col.1, "G" in column 17, & the dynamic in column 25. Vertical placement was adjusted in "ss2ed". Roger also had many fewer dynamic markings and slurs than the scanned edition, the scanner picking up the Print suggestions "P C32:o" or "u" for each one. The scan placed fermatas, trills, and staccato dots in column 32 instead of col.33+. Roger had no staccato marks in this Concerto & the Ri_scan had quite a few, but not as many as Concertos I. & II. The facsimile had a light double bar between movements, There were no repeat signs in Opua 4, except for the Allegro of Concerto III. After each Concerto the light double bar was followed by several vertical lines of diminishing heights. There were holds at the end of each movement except for Concertos VIII and X, which to me are particularly interesting, in the way the Adagios functioned differently than the other middle movements. Concerto VIII was particularly interesting "&0" was entered in col.13-14 to indicate that there was editorial material from the source on that line. "&1" = a CCARH editorial where something was changed from the source. On the lines between "&0" or "&1" in the 1st column there would often be a comment on the situation. Editorial accidentals which were added appeared in smaller fonts & notes were made in the files. Trills in Roger were marked by a "t" above the note. The old "+", "x" figured bass notations in Roger were replaced by the easier to read "#" as a figure or an addition to a figure. When "/" & "\" crossed through numbered figures modifying their function, we modified the numbers with a "#" "b" or a natural, as was appropriate - hopefully clarifying the reading of the figures. (The "/" through the figure "7" actually looks like a flat and acts like one. CONCERTO III in G Major, RV 301 Movement 1 - Allegro (3/4) Meas.102\1, 106\1, 108\1 - Vn.1 - Roger mssing a sharp. It carries over the bar line. Old notation. EDITORIAL "#s" Meas.102\1, 108\1 - Vn.2 - Roger mssing a sharp. It carries over the bar line. Old notation. EDITORIAL "#s" Meas. 95\1 - Va. - Roger missing a sharp. It carries over the bar line. Made EDITORIAL "#". Movement 2 - Largo (12/8) - in B minor Most of this movement is a solo accompanied by the upper strings. Meas.4 - Bc - Missing # on 1st note. Carries over bar. EDIT.# Meas.6 - Vn.2 - " # " " " " " " " EDIT.# Meas.8 - Vn.Solo - Roger missing naturals on a D5 (10th beat) & the A5 three notes before the end of the measure. Earlier in the meas. they were #s & harmony changed. EDIT.naturals. Meas.12 - Vn.Solo - Roger missing # on the 6th beat. Harmonic shift restors previously naturalized C5. Made EDITORIAL #. Mear.15 - Vn.Solo - Natural missing on 1st note. Carries over bar line. Roger missing # on 11th beat. Harmonic change going on in lower strings. Made EDITORIAL accidentals. Meas.16 - Vn.2 - Missing # on 1st note. Carries over bar. EDIT.# Meas.17 - Vn.1 - Roger has an extra bar line in mid-measure. Movement 3 - Allegro Assai (3/8) Whole measure rests in this movement in Roger are the common dark rectangles hanging from bar lines. We've entered them as dotted quarter note rests. Meas.32 - Vn.Solo - Sharp not restated on 1st note. EDIT. # Meas.35\2 - Vn.1 - Sharp missing from C5. C#5 in Solo. EDIT. # Meas.36\2 - Vn.2 - Sharp missing from C5. C#5 in Solo. EDIT. # Meas.43 - Vn.2 - Ri_scan missed slur, unusual for Op.4 is full of slurs, ".", and "_" markings). Slur in printed ed. of Ric. Meas.57-8 - Vn.Solo - Naturals missing on F4. Part of a new harmonic progression. Made EDITORIAL naturals. Meas.85-8 - Vn.Solo - Naturals missing on the F4s in Roger. Harmonically leading to c minor in m.87-88. EDIT. naturals. Meas.103 - Vn.Solo - Flat not restated on 1st note. EDIT. flat. Movement 38 - Allegro Assai (3/8) Whole measure rests in this movement are represented by a dotted quarter note rest. (9-30-10)