Concerto in G Major, Op.10, No. 4, RV 435 Le Cene 544, Amsterdam [c.1728] Movement 1 - Allegro Fermata questions in this movement. Meas.137-159 (the end) has the same material as Meas.1-23. There are fermatas in measure 23 tracks 1-4 but none in track 5. At the end there was a fermata only in track 5. I feel that the scribe for track 5 probably had it right, for it seems to me that Vivaldi most likely had a Da Capo al Segno (fermata) at measure 137 but the Le Cene editors wrote out the Da Capo and were careless about where they put the fermatas. This is a problem in other movements of No.4 and in No.5. If we had an editorial fermata I would have used it, but I entered this music before I noticed the recurrent fermata problem and feel that the fermata question has to be revaluated for Nos. 4 & 5. Meas.20 - Tracks 1 & 2. No slur over the 3 eighths. Slurs on similar passages meas.18 & 19 tracks 4-5. Consider slur on tr.1-2 or eliminating slur on track 3. Malipiero has editorial slurs pretty consistantly on the first two of 3 note eighth patterns. (Meas 20, 28-30, 80, & 156. Meas.23 - Track 5. No fermata in tr. 5. Added fermata. Fermatas in all other parts. Revaluate this (see above). Meas.78 - Track 2. First two 8ths slurred and the last tied to the next measure. I slurred the 3 eighths and eliminated the tie as in tracks 1 & 3. Meas.101 - Violin 2 was C5 (harmonically challenging). Entered an editorial B4. Track 5 has B2. Meas.102\2 - Violin 2 has C5. Scribe forgot a # ? It is in 3rds with tracks 1 & 2, which have C#s and it should be a # (in major). Meas.156 - Tracks 1-3. Feel these 3 eighths should be like meas.20. i.e. slurred like m.18 & 154 tr.1-3 and m.19 & 155 tr.5. Movement 2 - Largo Only tracks 2-5 had a fermata at the end. Added fermata to track 1. Meas.9\2 & 10\10 - Flute has C5. Added an editorial # to both. Harmonically B minor at that point so C# is appropriate. Riccordi has (#) on C5. Movement 3 - Allegro Fermatas on all parts at the end. Meas.9\2 - Track 5 has A3 but harmony is G+ here. Entered editorial G3. Ricordi has G3 here and there is not a note saying Le Cene is different. Meas.16\5 - Track 2 has G5. Changed to A5 like the Flute (in unison here.) Riccordi has A5 with no note that Le Cene was different. Meas.36\1 - Track 4 has D5. Entered editorial E5 (E4 in track 5). Riccordi has E5.