(C) 2002, 2002 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {viv/autogr/big/rv645/stage2/122/03} TIMESTAMP: DEC/10/2005 [md5sum:993338a17de3abe737eddf493a0d614c] 10\15\02 Fran Bennion WK#:1 MV#:1.22 RV 645 / Chigiana, Siena [facs. 1948] Juditha Triumphans 1.22 [Recit.] [Continuo] 0 0 Group memberships: sound score sound: part 3 of 3 score: part 3 of 3 $ K:0 Q:1 T:1/1 C:22 B2 4 w u measure 2 F#3 4 w # d measure 3 B2 4 w u measure 4 E3 4 w d measure 5 F#3 1 q # d B2 1 q u G3 2- h d - measure 6 G3 2 h d E3 2- h d - measure 7 E3 2 h d F3 2 h d measure 8 Bf2 4 w f u measure 9 D3 4 w d measure 10 G3 4- w d - measure 11 G3 2 h d A3 1 q d D3 1 q d F mheavy2 /END