(C) 1992, 2002, 2003 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {han/hicks/jmac/stage2/63/p02} [KHM:2962604292] TIMESTAMP: NOV/27/2005 [md5sum:ef0cb86cc6122c952036ebd8b9a67502] 06/02/92 E. Correia WK#:63 MV#:63 A.Hicks 1992/Chrysander Judas Maccabaeus Chorus: See, the conqu'ring hero comes! Corno II 1 23 Group memberships: parts parts: part 2 of 10 & Tranfer from old stage2 to new stage2 & Pv4.00 $ K:0 Q:2 T:0/0 C:4 E5 4 h d C5 3 q. d D5 1 e d measure 2 E5 4 h d G4 4 h u measure 3 G4 2 q u D5 2 q d D5 2 q d C5 2 q d measure 4 G4 8 w u measure 5 E4 2 q u E4 1 e u [ E4 1 e u ] G4 2 q u C5 1 e d [ C5 1 e d ] measure 6 E5 4 h d C5 4 h d measure 7 D5 2 q d C5 2 q d G4 2 q u G4 1 e u [ G4 1 e u ] measure 8 * C fine E4 8 w u mheavy2 9 :| C5 2 q d G4 2 q u C5 2 q d C4 2 q u measure 10 G4 4 h u E4 4 h u measure 11 rest 8 measure 12 rest 8 measure 13 C5 2 q d C5 2 q d C5 2 q d C5 2 q d measure 14 C5 4 h d D5 4 h d measure 15 E5 2 q d E5 2 q d D5 2 q d D5 2 q d measure 16 D5 8 w d * B da capo mheavy2 /END @SUPERSEDES: TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:31d7041697537c4ea8c5ea3af850bb46] @REASON: major archive update