(C) 1990, 2002, 2005 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {han/chry/torio/mes/stage2/3_03/01} [KHM:2512263026] TIMESTAMP: NOV/27/2005 [md5sum:81ea80c46bbcef32f30496e8413a0654] 06/24/90 E. Correia WK#:56 MV#:3,3 Messiah/Chrysander/Aug.1901/ChB 1316 Messiah Recit. accomp. Violino I 1 72 Group memberships: score parts short xcont scrcon score: part 1 of 5 parts: part 1 of 3 short: part 2 of 3 xcont: part 2 of 3 scrcon: part 1 of 5 & Conversion from old stage2 to new stage2 09/29/03 Modified 04/13/05 for SCORE conversion & Pv4.00 $ K:2 Q:4 T:1/1 C:4 P C0:p90 A4 16- w u - measure 2 A4 8 h u B4 8- h d - measure 3 B4 16 w d measure 4 C#4 16 w u measure 5 C#5 8 h d rest 2 e B4 1 s d [[ B4 1 s d ]] B4 4- q d - measure 6 B4 8 h d rest 2 e A4 1 s u [[ A4 1 s u ]] A4 2 e d [ F#5 1 s d =[ F#5 1 s d ]] measure 7 F#5 4 q d rest 4 q rest 2 e G#5 1 s # d [[ G#5 1 s d ]] G#5 2 e d [ D5 1 s d =[ D5 1 s d ]] measure 8 C#5 4 q d rest 4 q rest 8 h mdouble /END @SUPERSEDES: TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:6c01b7df143381d37ba17f08685131b3] @REASON: major archive update