(C) 1993, 2003 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {han/best/rada/stage2/43/02} TIMESTAMP: NOV/27/2005 [md5sum:2b32cd5816a3450ac668fbc772c49684] 03/08/93 E. Correia WK#:12b MV#:43 Chrysander, 2nd Version December 1720 / Terence Best 1992.. Radamisto Recitativo Violoncello 0 0 Group memberships: sound sound: part 2 of 3 & Initial conversion from stage 1 to stage 2 & $ K:0 Q:1 T:1/1 C:22 G#3 4- w # d - measure 2 G#3 4- w d - measure 3 G#3 4- w d - measure 4 G#3 2 h d A3 2- h d - measure 5 A3 4 w d measure 6 F#3 2 h # d f1 6 B2 2- h u - measure 7 B2 4- w u - measure 8 B2 4- w u - measure 9 B2 4- w u - measure 10 B2 2 h u E3 2- h d - measure 11 E3 4- w d - measure 12 E3 2 h d F3 2 h d measure 13 G3 1 q d C3 1- q u - C3 2 h u measure 14 F3 4 w d measure 15 Bf2 4 w f u measure 16 C3 1 q u F3 1 q d rest 2 h mheavy2 /END