(C) 1989, 2002, 2004 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {han/auto/sus/stage2/23/02} [KHM:2332992090] TIMESTAMP: NOV/27/2005 [md5sum:b18868edcb8b9a9b2a0fed158ec05773] 02/04/89 E. Correia WK#:66 MV#:23 British Library RM 20.f.8 (Handel autograph); and other sources Susanna Air 1st ELDER 0 19 T Group memberships: score sound short score: part 2 of 3 sound: part 2 of 3 short: part 1 of 3 & Conversion from old stage2 to new stage2 by W Hewlett (02/02/04) & Pv4.00 $ K:2 Q:4 T:3/4 C:34 D:Larghetto rest 1 s measure 1 rest 12 measure 2 rest 12 measure 3 rest 12 measure 4 rest 12 measure 5 rest 12 measure 6 rest 12 measure 7 rest 12 measure 8 rest 4 q rest 4 q rest 2 e F#3 2 e u Ye measure 9 A B3 3 e. d ver- C#4 1 s d dant D4 6 q. d hills, F#3 2 e u ye measure 10 E3 3 e. u balm- D3 1 s u y E3 4 q u vales, rest 2 e B3 2 e d bear measure 11 A3 3 e. u wit- B3 1 s d ness G3 6 q. u of F#3 2 e u my measure 12 F#3 8 h u pains, rest 2 e A3 2 e u how measure 13 D4 3 e. d oft E4 1 s d have F#4 6 q. d Shin- A3 2 e u ar's measure 14 G3 3 e. u flow'- F#3 1 s u ry G3 6 q. u dales A3 2 e u been measure 15 F#3 3 e. u taught D4 1 s d my E3 4 q u am'- C#4 4 q d rous measure 16 D4 8 h d strains! rest 2 e A3 2 e u The measure 17 F#3 2 e u wound- E3 2 e u ed D3 2 e u oaks E3 2 e u in F#3 2 e u yon- G#3 2 e u der measure 18 A3 8 h u grove rest 2 e B3 2 e d re- measure 19 G3 2 e u tain F#3 2 e u the E3 2 e u name D4 2 e d of C#4 2 e d her B3 2 e d I measure 20 A#3 6 q. u love, C#4 2 e d the F#4 2 e d wound- E4 2 e d ed measure 21 D4 1 s d [[ oaks_ C#4 1 s d ]] _ B3 2 e d in D#4 6 q. d yon- D#4 2 e d der measure 22 E4 4 q d grove rest 2 e D4 2 e d re- C#4 2 e d tain B3 2 e d the measure 23 A#3 2 e u name B3 2 e d of D4 4 q d ( her_ C#4 3 e. d ) _ B3 1 s d I measure 24 B3 8 h d love. rest 4 q measure 25 rest 12 measure 26 rest 12 measure 27 rest 12 measure 28 * C Fine rest 4 q rest 4 q rest 2 e F#3 2 e u In * B Dal segno mdouble A /FINE This strophic air has two more verses. 2. In vain would age his ice bespread to numb each gay desire, Tho' sev'nty winters hoar my head my heart is still on fire; by mossy fount and grot I rove and gently murmur songs of love. 3. Oh, sweetest of thy lovely race, Unveil thy matchless charms; let me adore that angel's face, and die within thy arms: My ceaseless pangs thy bosom move to grant the just returns of love. /END X 34 460 2550 2. X 34 500 2550 In vain would age his ice bespread X 34 500 2595 to numb each gay desire, X 34 500 2640 Tho' sev'nty winters hoar my head X 34 500 2685 my heart is still on fire; X 34 500 2730 by mossy fount and grot I rove X 34 500 2775 and gently murmur songs of love. X 34 1360 2550 3. X 34 1400 2550 Oh, sweetest of thy lovely race, X 34 1400 2595 Unveil thy matchless charms; X 34 1400 2640 let me adore that angel's face, X 34 1400 2685 and die within thy arms: X 34 1400 2730 My ceaseless pangs thy bosom move X 34 1400 2775 to grant the just returns of love. @SUPERSEDES: TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:2fd8a4a085864163d4ba30e0ea56b56d] @REASON: major archive update