Z 1 G.F. Handel Z 2 Susanna Z 3 Z 4 Full Score Z 5 300 dots/inch Z 6 14 dots per staff line Z 7 4 X 37 410 272 4. \(!39|Correction \*and \*interpretation \*of \*pitch \*and \*rhythm.!37| \* \*A \*limi\!ted \*numb\!er \*of \*appa\!ren\!t\!ly X 37 410 328 wrong \*pi\!tche\-s \*have \*b\!een \*t\!aci\!t\!ly \*co\!rrected. \* \&Some \&dot\!ted \¬e\-s \&in \&ca\!dence\-s \&have \&b\!een X 37 410 384 dou\!ble \!dot\!ted. \! \!A \!few \!erro\!rs \!in \!rh\!y\!t\!hmic \!\0=gura\!t\!ion \!t\!ha\!t \!o\!r\!igina\!te \!wi\!t\!h \!Ha\!nde\-l \!have \!b\!een X 37 410 440 co\!rrected. \# \#Ba\!rs \#34-36 \#in \#t\!he \#con\!t\!inuo \#of \#No. \#27, \#f\-o\!r \#examp\-le, \#a\!re \@rh\!y\!t\!hmically \@irregula\!r X 37 410 496 in ea\!rlier edi\!t\!ions bu\!t shoul\-d, we b\!e\-lieve, b\!e regula\!r\!i\!zed. X 37 969 664 !44|Source Discrepancies!37| X 37 329 776 The \*f\-oll\-owing \*t\!a\!ble \*indica\!te\-s \&discre\-pa\!ncie\-s \&b\!et\!ween \&t\!he \&1749 \&li\!bret\!to, \&Ha\!nde\-l's \&au\!tograph, \&a\!nd \&t\!he X 37 250 832 edi\!t\!ions \&of \&Ch\!r\!ysa\!nder \&a\!nd \&Ro\-se \&(HHA \&= \&!39|Hallische \&Handelausgabe!37|). \& \&The \&f\-oll\-owing \&s\!ymb\!ol\-s \^have \^b\!een X 37 250 888 used: X 37 600 944 * X 37 680 944 The source t\!ha\!t was cho\-sen as a mo\!de\-l f\-o\!r t\!he curren\!t edi\!t\!ion. X 37 600 1000 + X 37 680 1000 Foll\-owing t\!he move\-men\!t iden\!t\!i\0=ed. X 37 600 1056 (1) X 37 680 1056 Or\!iginal tex\!t of Ha\!nde\-l's au\!tograph. X 37 600 1112 (2) X 37 680 1112 Emended tex\!t of Ha\!nde\-l's au\!tograph. X 37 600 1168 -- X 37 680 1168 Not pre\-sen\!t in t\!his source/edi\!t\!ion. X 37 250 1336 Ma\!ny t\!aci\!t co\!rrect\!ions to w\-o\!rd div\!isions a\!nd punctua\!t\!ion have b\!een ma\!de.