(C) 1999, 2002 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {han/arnold/semele/stage2/25/02} [KHM:1291590873] TIMESTAMP: NOV/27/2005 [md5sum:89992104100cb68f57dc0324d8dbd4a3] 10/31/99 Fran Bennion WK#:58 MV#:25 Arnold [c.1786], rev. NMcG, ESF Recitative Continuo 0 0 Group memberships: sound score sound: part 2 of 2 score: part 2 of 2 @ "@2" reflects the Handel Autograph. $ K:0 Q:1 T:1/1 C:22 f1 6 F#3 4- w # d - measure 2 f1 7f F#3 2 h d f1 f G3 2- h d - measure 3 G3 2 h d C3 2- h u - measure 4 C3 2 h u f1 @2 # D3 1 q d f1 f G2 1 q u mheavy2 /END @SUPERSEDES: TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:4d7beca7a4cda1b346fe9702ee5c475f] @REASON: major archive update