(C) 1994, 2002, 2003 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {bach/bg/chorals/0356/stage2/01/03} [KHM:3257428881] TIMESTAMP: NOV/23/2005 [md5sum:9bfc4447d2b7f426dc83f95116301efa] 07/08/94 S. Rasmussen WK#:356 MV#:1 Bach Gesellschaft xxxix Four-part Chorales 103. Jesu, du mein liebstes leben [TENORE] 0 86 T Group memberships: score sound scrcon score: part 3 of 4 sound: part 3 of 4 scrcon: part 3 of 4 & Modified 09/01/03 for SCORE conversion & Pv4.00 $ K:-2 Q:2 T:3/4 C:34 Bf3 4 h d D4 2 q d measure 2 D4 2 q d du_|bist_ C4 2 q d _|_ Bf3 2- q d - mein_|f\u3r_ measure 3 Bf3 2 q d _|_ A3 2 q u lieb-|mich Bf3 1 e d [ stes_|ge- D4 1 e d ] _|- measure 4 Ef4 1 e d [ Le-|ge- A3 1 e d = -|- D4 1 e d = -|- C4 1 e d ] -|- Bf3 2 q d F ben,|ben measure 5 F4 2 q d mei-|an Ef4 2 q d ner|des D4 2- q d - See-|bit- measure 6 D4 2 q d -|- C4 2 q d len|tern Bf3 2- q d - Br\a3u-|Kreu- measure 7 Bf3 2 q d -|- A3 1 e u [ -|- G3 1 e u ] -|- A3 2 q u ti-|zes measure 8 Bf3 6 h. d F gam,|Stamm, mheavy4 9 :|: C4 4 h d C4 2 q d measure 10 C4 2 q d mei-|K\o3- Bf3 2 q d -|- A3 2- q u - ne_|nig,_ measure 11 A3 2 q u _|_ G3 2 q u Freud'|Licht A3 1 e d [ und_|und_ C4 1 e d ] _|_ measure 12 D4 1 e d [ G3 1 e d = C4 1 e d = Bf3 1 e d ] A3 2 q u F measure 13 D4 2 q d C4 4 h d mein'|wie measure 14 Bf3 1 e d [ Hoff-|soll_ Ef4 1 e d = -|_ D4 1 e d = -|_ C4 1 e d ] -|_ Bf3 2- q d - nung,_|ich_ measure 15 Bf3 1 e u [ _|_ A3 1 e u ] _|_ Bf3 2 q d Schatz|w\u3r- Ef4 2 q d und|dig- measure 16 A3 6 h. u F Teil,|lich, measure 17 D4 4 h d D4 2 q d measure 18 D4 2 q d A3 2 q u G3 2 q u measure 19 G3 4 h u F#3 2 q # u measure 20 D3 6 h. u F mheavy2 :| /END @SUPERSEDES: TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:6e2c3d70c0a7d4f6b23410a6094be1bf] @REASON: major archive update