(C) 1994, 2002, 2003 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {bach/bg/chorals/0296/stage2/01/01} [KHM:2006558244] TIMESTAMP: NOV/23/2005 [md5sum:d818466ff277749419ebb08bb8248bf0] 05/17/94 S. Rasmussen WK#:296 MV#:1 Bach Gesellschaft xxxix Four-part Chorales 43. Die Nacht ist kommen [SOPRANO] 3 86 S Group memberships: score sound scrcon score: part 1 of 4 sound: part 1 of 4 scrcon: part 1 of 4 & Modified 08/30/03 for SCORE conversion & Pv4.00 $ K:0 Q:2 T:1/1 C:4 G4 2 q u Die measure 1 A4 2 q u Nacht B4 2 q d ist C5 4 h d kom- measure 2 B4 4 h d F men, A4 2 q u drin A4 2 q u wir measure 3 G#4 2 q # u ru- A4 2 q u hen B4 4 h d sol- measure 4 A4 4 h u F len; rest 2 q C5 2 q d Gott measure 5 C5 2 q d walt C5 1 e d [ zum_ B4 1 e d ] _ A4 4 h u From- measure 6 D5 4 h d F men rest 2 q B4 2 q d nach measure 7 C5 2 q d sein'm A4 2 q u Wohl- B4 2 q d ge- A4 2 q u fal- measure 8 G4 4 h u F len, rest 2 q D5 2 q d dass measure 9 D5 2 q d wir D5 2 q d uns C5 4 h d le- measure 10 A4 4 h u F gen rest 2 q C5 2 q d in measure 11 C5 2 q d sein'm B4 2 q d G'leit C5 1 e d [ und_ B4 1 e d ] _ A4 2 q u Se- measure 12 A4 4 h u F gen, rest 2 q D5 2 q d sein'n measure 13 C5 2 q d Will'n B4 2 q d zu A4 4 h u pfle- measure 14 G4 8 w u F gen. mheavy2 /END @SUPERSEDES: TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:08356b8387aa016bf0e95436260fcc6a] @REASON: major archive update