(C) 1999, 2002 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {bach/bg/cant/0162/stage2/06/s01} [KHM:1948765217] TIMESTAMP: NOV/23/2005 [md5sum:890498fd84673c04001b11e63add6ed2] 06/07/99 Fran Bennion WK#:162 MV#:6 Bach Gesellschaft, xxxiii,31 Bach Cantata No. 162, \"0Ach ich sehe, jetzt da ich zur Hochzeit gehe." Choral Soprano, Corno da tirarsi, Violino 1 0 0 S Group memberships: score score: part 1 of 5 $ K:0 Q:4 T:1/1 C:4 A4 4 q u Ach,|Jetz- B4 4 q d ich|und C5 4 q d ha-|werd' B4 4 q d be|ich measure 2 A4 4 q u schon|sch\o3n B4 2 e d [ ( er-|ge- C5 1 s d =[ -|- D5 1 s d ]] ) -|- C5 4 q d t bli-|schm\u3- B4 4 q d F cket|cket measure 3 C5 4 q d die-|mit B4 4 q d se|dem A4 4 q u gro-|wei- B4 4 q d \0/|\0/en measure 4 C5 4 q d Herr-|Him- D5 4 q d lich-|mels- E5 8 h d F keit!|kleid, mheavy2 5 :| B4 4 q d mit C5 4 q d der D5 2 e d [ ( guld'- C5 2 e d ] ) - B4 4 q d nen measure 6 C5 4 q d Eh- B4 2 e u [ ( ren_ A4 2 e u ] ) _ A4 4 q u t kro- G4 4 q u F ne measure 7 B4 4 q d steh' B4 4 q d ich A4 4 q u da G4 4 q u f\u3r measure 8 F#4 4 q # u Got- G4 4 q u tes F#4 4 q u &0t Thro- E4 4 q u F ne, measure 9 B4 4 q d schau- C5 4 q d e D5 4 q d sol- E5 4 q d che measure 10 D5 6 q. d &0t Freu- C5 2 e d de C5 8 h d F an, measure 11 E5 4 q d die E5 4 q d kein D5 4 q d En- C5 4 q d de measure 12 B4 6 q. d neh- A4 2 e u men A4 8 h u F kann! mheavy2 /END @SUPERSEDES: TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:1aa058bf55f9839fac79fb62c6f9eb69] @REASON: major archive update