(C) 1998, 2002 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {bach/bg/cant/0153/stage2/09/sx01} [KHM:1947907160] TIMESTAMP: NOV/23/2005 [md5sum:c10e47829f154e70e54c09f18b8f534f] 03/19/98 Fran Bennion WK#:153 MV#:9 Bach Gesellschaft xxxii Schau', lieber Gott, wie meine Feind'. CHORAL. Soprano., Violino I. col Soprano 1 74 S Group memberships: xscore xscore: part 1 of 5 $ K:0 Q:1 T:3/4 C:4 C5 1 q d I._Drum C5 1 q d will C5 1 q d ich, measure 2 A4 1 q u ( weil_ B4 1 q d ) _ C5 1 q d ich measure 3 D5 1 q d ( le- C5 1 q d ) - B4 1 q d be measure 4 A4 3 h. u F noch, measure 5 A4 1 q u das B4 1 q d Kreuz C5 1 q d dir measure 6 D5 2 h d fr\o3h- C5 1 q d lich measure 7 B4 1 q d tra- A4 2 h u gen measure 8 G4 3 h. u F nach; measure 9 E5 1 q d mein E5 1 q d Gott E5 1 q d mach' measure 10 C5 1 q d ( mich_ D5 1 q d ) _ E5 1 q d dar- measure 11 F5 1 q d zu E5 2 h d be- measure 12 D5 3 h. d F reit, measure 13 C5 1 q d es D5 1 q d dient E5 1 q d zum measure 14 D5 2 h d Be- C5 1 q d sten measure 15 C5 1 q d al- B4 2 h d le measure 16 C5 3 h. d F zeit! mheavy2 :| /END @SUPERSEDES: TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:fe0aa0b002bac825f4362d2e16b36fc9] @REASON: major archive update