(C) 1997, 2002 Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities. ID: {bach/bg/cant/0123/stage2/04/02} [KHM:3977951598] TIMESTAMP: NOV/23/2005 [md5sum:4c539517122fe4fb4da2dca2c4039466] 05/19/97 Fran Bennion WK#:123 MV#:4 Bach Gesellschaft, xxvi Liebster Immanuel, Herzog der Frommen Recitativ Continuo 1 78 Group memberships: sound score sound: part 2 of 2 score: part 2 of 2 $ K:2 Q:2 T:4/4 C:22 f1 4 6 f1 5f G#2 8 w # u measure 2 f3 6 4 2 G2 4 h n u + f2 6\ 5n F#2 4 h u measure 3 rest 2 q f1 1 4 f1 # E2 2 q u A2 4- h u - measure 4 A2 4 h u f3 6 4+ 2 E3 4 h d measure 5 f1 6 D#3 4 h # d f3 6 4+ 2 A2 4 h u measure 6 f1 6\ F#2 4 h u f1 6 B#2 4 h # u measure 7 C#3 4 h u f3 6 4+ 2 B2 4 h n u + measure 8 f1 6 A#2 4 h # u B2 4 h u measure 9 f2 2 7 5 f1 6 E3 4 h d f1 6 F#3 2 q d f1 1 4 f1 3 A3 2 q d measure 10 D3 8 w d F P C1:x-33 mheavy2 /END @SUPERSEDES: TIMESTAMP: DEC/26/2001 [md5sum:8ad1d482c53a5a323f3ae4e31cc988bb] @REASON: major archive update